The Mindsoak Project

The Mindsoak Project

The Meg Bonney Episode

November 11, 2016

Oh the joys of geekdom! Always uplifting. Always rewarding. And always a catalyst for great conversation and the making of new friends.
No more so than when I got to sit down with Meg Bonney for a new episode. Meg and I immediately hit it off when our conversation meandered through writing novels to comic books to our personal coffee tips and tricks.
She’s like my long lost geeky sister!
But besides being my long lost geeky sister, Meg is also the author of a new YA fantasy series called Everly. Book One of the Everly series is being released next week (next week!) from our friends over at Pandamoon. I already ordered my copy and can’t wait to dive into this new world Meg created. From what she tells us on the podcast, Everly certainly sounds like an interesting place to visit.
Meg also talks about how she sets herself up to write, which is always fascinating to hear. I love hearing author’s writing and productivity hacks and I walked away more inspired than ever to jump back into my own fictional worlds.
And then the podcast takes a turn into real geeky territory and we start talking superheroes, comic books and tv shows. Meg is a tv fanatic and could probably beat anyone in a round of Geek Jeopardy. We talk the CW’s Green Arrow, Flash and Supergirl shows and discuss Meg’s review writing at and
But the completely amazing event takes place when I give her, the self entitled ‘Friends’ Super Fan, a Friends trivia quiz of 28 questions. Tough questions. Of which a mere mortal may only get one or two correct. Meg only missed a few…and even the one’s she missed she was able to describe in full once she was reminded of the answer. I was planning on only asking 10 to 12 questions, but once she started rattling off correct answers so effortlessly I couldn’t stop myself from asking all of them.
Dana Faletti told me Meg was Pandamoon’s “entertainment guru” and she was spot on with the title.
So, without further ado, enjoy listening to Meg’s episode. And then after that head on over to Amazon and order up “Everly” and support an amazing writer, person and geek.
To find out more about Meg, check out her website at Or find her on Twitter at @MegBonneyWriter.