The Mindsoak Project

The Mindsoak Project

The Veronica and Michael C. Bryan Episode

September 23, 2016

Talking with Michael C. Bryan on a podcast is always a pleasure. Even though we go back and forth a lot through text (mostly memes of course) it’s always great to hear him preach inspiration. But today was an even bigger treat because he introduced me to the wonderful world of Veronica.
Veronica began working with Michael to uncover her creative abilities, create the freedom she is seeking in life and to establish goals that are unabashed, unapologetic and unwavering.
Because the work she has done in her creative life is so beautiful, Michael and I wanted to have her on as an inspiration to all the Mindsoak listeners. Veronica lives and breathes what is possible when you turn off the old, habitual negative self talk and open yourself up to a world of new ideas and new perspectives.
I think you’ll agree, Veronica has hit her stride and is living her creative life to it’s fullest.
The three of us talk about setting up an intentional life, being unafraid and unashamed of living a life which makes you feel wonderfully alive and we even discuss Michael’s panache to “fart out My Little Ponies”. Hey, he said it on a podcast so blame him.
As always, to learn more about Michael find him on the web at
You can follow Veronica on Instagram and stay tuned to hear more from her as I roped her in to writing a Mindsoak essay which will be released on 9/29! Boom!
Thanks for listening!