Mindful15: Mindfulness | Meditation | Habit Building

Mindful15: Mindfulness | Meditation | Habit Building

Ground yourself: Let the Earth lend you its strength

September 03, 2019

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Welcome to Part 2 in our Ground Yourself series. Last week, I explained how to sit with a grounded meditation posture so that you are stable enough to relax into your meditation. Sitting this way helps you become calm and focused. 
Today, we’re going to take the next step in grounding practice. You began by establishing stable physical contact with the ground. Now, you’re going to strengthen your connection to the Earth by making that connection your object of meditation.
As I explained last week, the notion of connecting to the Earth can sound a bit mystical, or even dotty to some people. I believe it to be quite straightforward and rational. You are deeply connected to the Earth. Your body is made of Earth elements and you require those same elements to exist. In Earth connection meditation, you are simply allowing yourself to become aware of that connection.

Peaceful Moment of the Week: Athabasca Falls, Jasper National Park, Alberta

What’s the benefit? That connection lends you strength. The Earth is vast and strong and supportive. It can absorb all your tension and it can supply you with calm energy in return. Fostering your connection to the Earth gives you a sense of strength and support. 
Earth meditation begins with getting physically grounded. You can do it in any sitting meditation posture, or you may enjoy lying on your back. You’ll bring your attention into your body, looking for spots where you can notice tension. With every exhalation, you will release that tension into the ground.
As with most meditation techniques, this one’s best learned by doing - so let’s try it!
Join me for Earth meditation 
The following is a 12-minute guided grounding meditation that allows you to strengthen your connection with the Earth.

Up Next Week
Next week, we’ll wrap up the Ground Yourself series with a quick grounding practice that can help whenever you’re stressed or anxious.
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