Mindful15: Mindfulness | Meditation | Habit Building

Mindful15: Mindfulness | Meditation | Habit Building

Ground yourself and sit solidly, like a mountain

July 24, 2019

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Guided imagery can be incredibly helpful when it comes to cultivating a sense of safety and protection. Previously on this podcast, I showed you how to imagine a safe place you can retreat to whenever you need it.  Today, I’m going to introduce you to mountain meditation. This will be a short podcast so we can have a longer guided meditation.
Mountain meditation involves imagining yourself to be a solid, stately, beautiful mountain. We’re going to first ground ourselves in the vast, solid, supportive Earth, then imagine our bodies as mountains, which are not only big and strong, but able to sit calmly through whatever nature throws at them.

This Week's Peaceful Moment: Moraine Lake, Banff National Park, Alberta

The imagery is meant to help you cultivate a sense of serenity, solidity, and contentment so you can sit calmly in peaceful awareness of whatever life brings you.
Do this meditation regularly and you will eventually be able to call up a sense of safety and strength whenever you need it.
Invitation to meditate
The following is a 12-minute guided mountain meditation.

Up Next Week
Next week's episode will explore the up and downs of meditating with other people. Group meditation can be incredibly rewarding, but it can also present challengess and .
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