Mindbody Mastery Podcast

Mindbody Mastery Podcast

Episode 64 – Adriana Bucci of Let’s Get Your Shift Together

July 16, 2019

Today on the show, we hear from the amazing Adriana Bucci – Adriana is a mind-body coach, consultant, TMS survivor, and the owner of Let’s Get Your Shift Together. Her journey over the last 4 years began with a routine wisdom tooth extraction, but cascaded into a series of intensely painful symptoms that eventually left her questioning whether or not she wanted to continue living on this planet.

Her experiences over that time led her to discover the mind-body message, get HER shift together, and inspired such a passion within her that she has now turned what she’s integrated into her life’s mission, and she is now holding space for others on their own pain journeys.

If you’d like to get in touch with Adriana for some support on your journey – you can visit:

* https://letsgetyourshifttogether.com/ * Facebook* Instagram* letsgetyourshifttogether@gmail.com

As always, thanks so much for tuning in! If you have any questions or want to share your own story on this show, please reach out!


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**DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and this or any other podcast hosted by Katelyn Michals, L.Ac. is not intended to replace traditional medical care. It is important that you are evaluated by a physician before embarking on this or any other self-help program*