Mindbody Mastery Podcast

Mindbody Mastery Podcast

Episode 56 – Moving through Triggers

May 14, 2019

What is a trigger? A trigger could be something or someone – a comment or a situation that brings up some old pain within you – that pain could be emotional, mental or physical… and it could be triggered by the slightest thing. Something that wouldn’t bother anyone else but you, because you just happen to have an ancient wound attached to that trigger. We all have them, and today I discuss how we can begin to notice them and work through them.

I was T R I G G E R E D this week, and it brought up all of my old wounds. Wounds of feeling not good enough, wounds around getting bullied as a kid, wounds of getting criticized for my appearance, wounds of shame and unworthiness. And what triggered all of that was a mild criticism around my voice as a podcaster. On the surface the comment wasn’t even all that bad, but that is the nature of triggers – it doesn’t have to be some harsh ugly attack – it can be a small remark or a light joke made by another person that suddenly brings up these old wounds. So, in today’s episode, I explore why getting triggered is actually a wonderful thing. It’s an amazing opportunity to sit with and heal these old wounds of ours, and to really get curious about what it is that feels so hurtful about others’ actions/comments.

I in no way wish to shame the person who triggered me, but I did want to share about this experience, as I know that there are so many of you out there who are afraid to be seen and heard for fear of what others might think or say. There are also some of you who are also afraid to get back to life because you’re afraid to “trigger” more pain. There are those of you who avoid family or public situations for fear that that too will trigger symptoms as well. So whether the trigger is emotional, mental or physical – the treatment is the same. The treatment, is of course… awareness, self love, and self-compassion.

Perhaps there are some of you who have a message to share, a creation you want to create, or a song you want to sing – and I want you to know that you should DO IT… create it, share it, and sing it – no matter what might come your way.

Life will ALWAYS offer us situations that will trigger us. Someone will do or say something that will bring up some old pain inside of you, and so instead of turning that into another situation that you strive to avoid, you can instead look at it with a new perspective, and see it as a fast-track to inner healing. If you’re willing to be open and honest with yourself about it, if you’re willing to get curious about what this brings up for you, slowly but surely, you’ll see criticism and triggers as a gift that will help you move into your next level of inner freedom.

Listen on to hear more!

As always, thanks so much for tuning in! If you have your own healing story you’d like to share on this show, please reach out!


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