Mindbody Mastery Podcast

Episode 54 – Transforming Victim Consciousness
I wanted to take a few moments today to talk about one of my own biggest shadows – one of my dark sneaky little friends, that peeks it’s head up from my emotional basement every now and again, that I’ve had to really consciously work at transforming over the years. And that is the shadow of victimization.
When I feel victimized, when WE feel victimized, it means that we are in a particular state of being where the world, our circumstances, or our relationships seem to be all banded together in an invisible army that has it’s weapons drawn and pointed in our general direction.
When I was first introduced to the concept of victim consciousness probably a decade or so ago, I did NOT identify with it at all, of course! “Ohhh not me!” I told myself that that way of being in the world simply didn’t apply to me, and that I’m a person who takes full responsibility for my lot in life. That is… until life happened some more, and I was hit not only with a set of circumstances that sent me spiraling down into the “poor me” mindset, but also triggered me into finger pointing, blame throwing, and before I knew it, I was in an undeniable state of unconscious victimhood that I spent the better part of a year stewing in.
That also happened to be the year that my body seemed to victimize me as well.
It’s interesting, because when we’re in victim consciousness, it’s really hard to see that it’s even happening because it often sits in the realm of the unconscious, we unconsciously feel at the mercy of life, we unconsciously feel like our bodies are against us … but lucky for us, there is a way to be with this state of mind in a way that actually transmutes it.
So first, in order
to determine if you’re swirling within a mindset of
victimization, here are a few questions for inner exploration:
feel like your thought loops are largely negative? or do you have a
realllly hard time steering your attitude towards a more hopeful or
positive outlook?
you worry
to the point that you feel hopeless, depressed, or
you feel stuck in regret or stuck
you feel
unable to move on from a painful or
challenging past?
Do you feel damaged, and like your life experiences are going to hold you back because they may have been more difficult than others?
If you said yes to even one of these, then, it’s likely, that you are unconsciously swirling in a victim state of consciousness at least some of the time. And just know – this is SO common, and utterly normal, and nothing AT ALL to be ashamed of. We’ll talk about how to transmute this in this episode.
Sometimes, I think that even TMS knowledge acquisition and the work around it can unknowingly trigger a victim state of consciousness. Because when we finally open our eyes to the research that a neglectful childhood, or traumatic past, or other really tough situations in life where we ACTUALLY were victimized – when we realize that these events probably played a part in our pain, then it can sometimes be easy to feel victimized by our past all over again. I feel like there might even be some of you listening today that might feel that your past was SO hard, that it’s likely that TMS healing might not be available to you.
First I want to say – whatever you’ve been through. I am sorry. I see you. I feel you.