Oula Connected from the Vault

Oula Connected from the Vault

Astrology as a Path to Empowerment

March 15, 2021

"Astrology works. The charts never lie." In this episode, Kali and Bernice have the incredible privilege of interviewing Whitney Fishburn, editor and reporter on Capitol Hill turned Astrologer. After both having really life-affirming sessions with Whitney, Kali and Bernice could not have been more excited to talk to Whitney about her personal story that led her to astrology, how and why it can be a life changing experience for clients, and how the systems and cycles of astrology can help us make sense of our own lives, our own journeys and realize our personal power in a world where so often we are just a cog in the machine that is capitalism.

To book a consultation with Whitney or to learn more, visit https://www.ensouledastrology.com/.