Million Dollar Passion

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The Importance Of Picking Up A Book Today With Danny Brassell
Did you know that students who average reading only 1 minute a day end up getting bad grades? While student who read at least 20 minutes a day get As. That is based on a study done by the University of London back in 2009. Reading can really help you find
How To Successfully Win And Crush Your Product Launch
You have done all the preparations. Your product is ready. Your target audience is identified. The only thing left is for you to take it out for the world to see. How can you guarantee success and not put your efforts to waste? In this episode, Victoria W
Optimize To Maximize: The Four Business Models For Explosive And Sustainable Growth
Most people dreamt of turning your passion into a very profitable business. After all, what is better than having fun while making money? In this episode, Victoria Wieck teases out a chapter from her upcoming book, Million Dollar Passion, called Opti
Mastering The Art Of Negotiation For Business Growth
Negotiating deals is crucial in being an entrepreneur. You must analyze and evaluate what you want and how youll offer that to a client so you can close a deal. Set your goals and expectations because you have to figure out the specific things your compa
How To Niche Down And Identify Your Ideal Target Audience
Identifying your ideal target audience is critical to the success of your business. Bigger isnt always better. In todays episode, Victoria Wieck explains why niching down your business and trimming down how you define your market is key to earning more.
Turning Your Passion Into Business
What do you do best, and what differentiates you from the rest? Join Victoria Wieck as she continues to give us tips on how to turn your passion into a business. In this episode, learn tips on how to identify your strength and find what gives you the grea
Goal Setting For Success
Everybody has a dream but those dreams need a set goal. As an entrepreneur, you don't have the risk to make a mistake. Its important that you learn how to set goals so that you succeed with very low monetary risk. Join Victoria Wieck as she talks about t
The Road To Greatness: Empowering Your Reality With Dr. Victor Manzo Jr.
Have you ever wished to do what youve always loved or found a way to work fewer hours and still have all your career dreams come true to enjoy life fully? In this episode, Victoria Wiecks guest is somebody who did just that. The author of two books
Achieving Explosive Growth With Non-Food Franchising With Jon Ostenson
There was a time when franchising a business almost always involved food. Famous brands like McDonald's, Popeyes, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Starbucks were some of the most well-known in the food franchising sector. But soon enough, non-food franchising
How To Grow Your Money Through A Passive Income Stream With Edwin Carrion
How do you create a passive income stream with little money? God-made millionaire and investor, Edwin Carrion is here to tell you. He joins host Victoria Wieck to define passive income streams and offer tips on the many ways you can start. You don’t