Million Voices

Million Voices

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COVID Panic Religion & 2022 Election Integrity Analysis
December 29, 2021

COVID Panic Religion & 2022 Election Integrity Analysis  A woman traveling by air berated and assaulted an 80-year-old man for not wearing a mask. Ironically, she wasn’t wearing hers either. How do we address the perpetuating anxieties over this issue?

Omicron a Tool of Tyranny & Let’s Go Brandon Speaks
December 28, 2021

Omicron a Tool of Tyranny & Let's Go Brandon Speaks "I didn't say anything because of my corporate sponsor," says NASCAR driver Brandon Brown after initially staying quiet when his name inadvertently inspired the popular "Let's go Brandon" chant. Milli

Rebuilding Trumps Wall & IN Parents Rise UP for Students
December 22, 2021

Rebuilding Trumps Wall & Indiana Parents Rise UP for Students U.S. Homeland Security has decided to restart rebuilding Trump’s border wall. Has President Biden finally seen the light? CEO of John Graves joins the Victory Channel to di

The Christian Left, Standing Strong, & Great Awakenings
December 20, 2021

The Christian Left, Standing Strong, & Great Awakenings The increase of CRT propaganda in churches, megachurches, and Christian universities has recently become more prominent. Award-winning podcaster and pastor Lucas Miles joins a special FlashPoint b

Border Crisis Update, Court Packing & Standing in the GAP
December 17, 2021

Border Crisis Update, Court Packing & Standing in the G.A.P. A group of migrants attempting to cross the southern border offered Daily Caller reporter Jorge Ventura a nine-year-old “little girl” in exchange for helping them. C.E.O. Jo

Vaccine Coercion WIth Pizza & D.C. Board of Elections Sued
December 10, 2021

Vaccine Coercion With Pizza & D.C. Board of Elections Sued The Barack Obama Global Prep Academy administered COVID-19 vaccines to at least two students without the consent of their parents. A 13-year-old son brought home a vaccine card and was told to

Big Tech, Big Media Propaganda & Bias Against Conservatives
December 08, 2021

Big Tech, Big Media Propaganda, & Bias Against Conservatives Former Facebook staffer Kara Frederick says statistics show the "ugly truth" of social media [Facebook] having "created two internal tools...that suppressed right-wing or conservative media c

SPECIAL WallBuilders Live Podcast YOU can be an Influence
December 07, 2021

SPECIAL WallBuilders Live Podcast YOU can be an Influence Are the Fact-Checkers unbiased? CEO and founder of John Graves joins David Barton, Tim Barton, & Rick Green on a special WallBuilders LIVE podcast to discuss how fact-checkers

On Location: SCOTUS & Praying for Human LIFE and Courage
December 03, 2021

On Location: SCOTUS & Praying for Human LIFE and Courage This week, a majority of the Supreme Court signaled it is open to upholding Mississippi's ban on most abortions after 15 weeks. Will this undermine the Court's landmark Roe v. Wade decision? Libe

SCOTUS Hears Roe v. Wade Challenge & 2022 Mid-Term Analysis
December 01, 2021

SCOTUS Hears Roe v. Wade Challenge & 2022 Midterm Analysis A growing number of Democrats will not seek re-election in 2022. What will that mean for the upcoming midterm elections and the Republican Party? CEO of John Graves joins the