Military Homeschool Podcast

Military Homeschool Podcast

Homeschool High School Transcripts

December 08, 2023

On this episode, Lisa Nehring, Director of True North Homeschool Academy, joins Crystal Niehoff to discuss homeschool high school transcripts.Episode #3- Homeschool High School Transcripts

On this episode, Lisa Nehring, Director of True North Homeschool Academy, joins Crystal Niehoff to discuss homeschool high school transcripts.

Lisa and her husband, Dr. David Nehring who served in the Air Force, started homeschooling 30 years ago. They started in 1991 and graduated their youngest a year ago this spring. They have five kids ages 19 to 35, and a couple of grandkids who are also homeschooled. Lisa holds an M.A. in Human Development and M.A. in Marriage & Family Therapy. In addition to homeschooling and her work as Director of True North Homeschool Academy, Lisa has worked as an Admissions Counselor, Administrator, Copywriter, Blogger, Academic Adviser, Teacher, Event Planner, and Program Developer.

Homeschool parents often dread the thought of preparing high school transcripts for their high schooler and feel confused about what should be included. In this episode, Lisa shares her years of experience in creating transcripts for her own children and others, details the different types of transcripts and what should be included, and assures us that homeschool high school transcripts don’t need to be complicated or stressful. We can do it!

So, whether your homeschooled high schooler is on a college track, career track, military track, or trade school track, this episode will help you navigate the ins and outs of preparing a high school transcript.

Closing Thought: Crystal then shares this thought in closing which comes from educator, John Holt, “Any child who can spend an hour or two a day, or more if he wants, with adults that he likes, who are interested in the world and like to talk about it, will on most days learn far more from their talk than he would learn in a week of school.”


True North Homeschool Academy

Survive Homeschooling Through High School

Considering Military Service

Special Needs Credits and Transcripts

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The post Homeschool High School Transcripts appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.