Military Homeschool Podcast

Military Homeschool Podcast

Tips for Marriage While Homeschooling

May 02, 2023
Tips for Marriage While Homeschooling | Marriage tends to be placed on the back burner during the busy homeschool years. But you can balance your relationship with your husband while homeschooling the kids, all while keeping both areas fulfilling, meaningful and happy. Here’s how! | #militaryhomeschoolmom#military moms, #homeschooling #TipsHomeschooling #TipsforMarriageWhileHomeschoolingTips for Marriage While Homeschooling

Episode #42 – Marriage tends to be placed on the back burner during the busy homeschool years. But you can balance your relationship with your husband while homeschooling the kids, all while keeping both areas fulfilling, meaningful and happy. Here’s how!

How do we handle the challenges life and the military may throw our way as we work to cultivate our relationship with our spouse and homeschool our children?

Yes, homeschooling is a beautiful journey full of love and bonding with your children. The ability to watch them grow and learn in a healthy environment is absolutely beautiful. Learning at a pace that is beneficial for your child in all areas, including mental and emotional. As much as we love it, it may come with some challenges – potentially a disconnect with your husband. The joys of homeschooling your children and keeping your marriage strong are both important and achievable goals! With some adjustments and maybe changing a few things, you will make a fulfilling, happy, balanced life.

On this episode, let’s dive into some tips to help you keep your marriage strong while homeschooling and living the military lifestyle! Listen in!


5 Activities You Can Share with Your Spouse During Deployment

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