Military Homeschool Podcast

Homeschool Schedule Vs. Routine (Replay)

Homeschool Schedule Vs. Routine Episode #41 – In this episode, let’s discuss how to determine the ideal way to plan your homeschool days to ensure success!
Homeschool Schedule Vs. Routine. When it comes to ensuring a productive homeschool day, having some plan in place allows you and your homeschooled students to know what to expect for the day as well as help avoid any unnecessary power struggles when it comes to what activity to do next. Knowing their homeschool plan for the day helps kids avoid asking for electronics during the school day and helps Mom avoid caving into their requests simply because she doesn’t have the next lesson planned or prepped.
Listen in as Crystal discusses which is better for military homeschooling families- schedule or routine- and shares important reminders that flexibility is key. Consistency is vital regardless of what method you choose.
Regardless of what method or combination of methods you use to organize your homeschool schedule. There will be an adjustment period for both you and your children. Lessons may be missed, activities may need to be rescheduled, and you may have to repeat “Check the schedule/ routine!” more times than you would like.
Eventually, everything will seemingly come together, the days will run smoother, and the kids will be more engaged in their lessons than ever. And you will be grateful you took the time to overhaul your days with a consistent and reliable homeschool schedule or routine as you accomplish your homeschool education goals.
Join Crystal and her guests each week as they bring relevant information to equip you, stories to encourage you, and content to inspire you. You don’t have to go alone; tune in to the Military Homeschool Podcast and be energized in your military homeschooling journey!
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