Military Homeschool Podcast

Military Homeschool Podcast

5 School Break Boredom Busters That Homeschoolers Will Love

April 29, 2024

Boredom Busters | On this episode, Crystal shares a list of five school break boredom busters that homeschool parents and kids will love! Even better- most of these activity ideas will keep your kids learning. | #militaryhomeschoolmoms, #military moms, #homeschool #bordeombusters #boredom #homeschooltips5 School Break Boredom Busters That Homeschoolers Will Love ~ Episode 38

On this episode, Crystal shares a list of five school break boredom busters that homeschool parents and kids will love! Even better- most of these activity ideas will keep your kids learning, but shhh, it’s our secret!

We are quickly approaching the time of the year when public and private schools alike are anticipating Spring Break, with summer soon to follow. Many homeschoolers are also planning their vacation week. While some families plan road trips or visits to amusement parks, others prefer a low-key agenda that includes natural learning opportunities for their children.

Or, you and/or your kiddos may simply be feeling a bit burned out with the normal day-to-day homeschool routine and need something new and different while taking time away from school books and worksheets.

Whatever your reason, if you’re looking for ideas on keeping your kids occupied, you’re in luck! On today’s episode, Crystal shares some great spring break activities that your kids will love. And most of these activity ideas will keep your kids learning, but shhhh it’s our secret!

  • Give those new recipes a try! Need ideas? Try these kid-friendly recipes.
  • Start a garden! It’s really pretty easy! If you need some inspiration, watch this great YouTube video on how to get a simple garden going.
  • Scavenger hunts galore!

    • Color-themed
    • Location-themed
    • Alphabet-themed
    • Easter-themed or other holiday themes
    • If you are looking for more ideas, check out these fun scavenger hunt ideas for kids!

  • Camp out under the stars! In addition to the ones mentioned in the podcast, here are some other family-friendly backyard camping ideas you can enjoy with your kids.
  • Get crafty! Here are some crafty projects, with links, so you can follow the step-by-step instructions and recipes:

    • Homemade slime: This recipe only requires two to three ingredients to make a basic slime, or your kids can make a puffy slime if that’s what they like. This craft is a perfect chance to learn about chemical reactions and how the ingredients interact to create the slime. Note: since this recipe calls for borax, this craft project is better suited for older kids, as they’ll understand that they can’t eat the slime!
    • DIY bird feeders: What to do with those plastic jugs leftover from water and milk? Well, save them for this project! Your kids will enjoy using recycled plastic jugs to make their bird feeders. Once up, your kids will see and learn about all the birds that venture into your yard.
    • Build a bug hotel: Another DIY project you can do using recycled materials mixed with some nature is a bug hotel. Little kids will love the silliness of building a hotel for bugs, all while learning about the different bugs that might want to stay there!

So, there you have it!  My list of five school break boredom busters that homeschool parents and kids will love!  Try them out, and let me know what you think! And if you have any other ideas for keeping the kids busy, please share!

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The post 5 School Break Boredom Busters That Homeschoolers Will Love appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.