Military Homeschool Podcast

Military Homeschool Podcast

Raising Readers: Reading Aloud Past the Kinder Years

January 24, 2023
Raising Readers: Reading Aloud Past the Kinder Years |Learn how to make your family read-aloud time a fun adventure for everyone, Mom and Dad included! #homeschoolpodcast #podcast #homeschool #readaloud #reading #raisingreaders #familyreading #readingbooks Raising Readers: Reading Aloud Past the Kinder Years


Episode #34- On this podcast episode, Crystal talks about the importance of reading to children of all ages and how to make your family read-aloud time a fun adventure for everyone, Mom and Dad included!

Parenting is one of those things that come with a never-ending list of “research suggests you should ______.” Opinions, studies, best practices, and ever-evolving philosophies abound when it comes to how to raise your children successfully and, at the very least, how to avoid messing them up! You don’t have to look far to find the latest unsolicited advice, from never saying no to your children to not letting them eat even one grain of sugar.

Much of the advice, as well-meaning as it may be, is speculative, highly debated, and “trendy.” You can find conflicting evidence everywhere that suggests there isn’t a single universal “truth” in how to best navigate the world of child-rearing outside of the Bible. Yet, aside from this, it is universally agreed that reading with your children is important. Reading with your children is the simplest and most effective way to support your children’s education and raise healthy, well-rounded children.

Raising Readers:

Making Read Alouds an Everyday Part of Your Homeschool

So, how do you incorporate reading out loud into your homeschool routine?

●      Start small. Take it one simple step at a time. Start by picking a book you will enjoy.

●      Don’t expect an hour of attention, even from your older children.

●      Quite hands don’t need to be still hands. Your kids may need to keep their hands busy in order to keep their ears open. Have a sketchbook where for kiddos to draw what you’re reading about. This allows them the freedom to engage with the story and encourages them to build their narration skills as they listen for little details they can add to their picture.

●      Your read-aloud doesn’t have to be “age-appropriate.” Read a book that is above your child’s reading or comprehension level. Reading aloud is a time to expand your child’s capacity for critical thought. It is a time to bring a big world into your living room and engage them in dialogue about possibly “tricky” subjects. Having books that stretch them to pay attention, listen carefully, and consider what they hear carefully is an important lesson for young learners.

So, if I can encourage you today to raise readers, start reading out loud with your kids. Make it a daily part of your homeschool (even if it is the only thing you accomplish on the days that go off the rails). Start with living literature, classic stories that bring the world and the human experience to life. Engage in adventures with your children through stories that challenge and shape us.

“… they risked everything they loved, and maybe even their own lives, for the true magic. It’s our books. Our language, our culture, and our identities are inscribed in every word. As long as we have our books, we cannot be crushed or forgotten. Because of our books, we cannot be erased from our own history.” Words on Fire, Jennifer A. Nielsen


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The post Raising Readers: Reading Aloud Past the Kinder Years appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.