Military Homeschool Podcast

Military Homeschool Podcast

I Don’t Have to Look Like the Public School (Replay)

November 19, 2024
I Don’t Have to Look Like the Public School Military Homeschool Podcast - Interview with Stepheny SeaboltEpisode #13- Interview with Stepheny Seabolt: I Don’t Have to Look Like the Public School

Thanks to NowProgams for sponsoring this episode.

On this episode, meet Stepheny Seabolt, who explains how her view of homeschooling has changed and how she now chooses and utilizes curriculum with the insights she’s gained through nearly a decade of homeschooling under her belt.

Ten years ago, when Stepheny began encountering problems with her local public school, she reached out to the school administration, who seemed unwilling to address her concerns.

When charter school didn’t work out either, Stepheny and her husband decided to homeschool.

At first, upon recommendations from other homeschoolers in online groups, she used free homeschool programs. But, as her daughter got older and she added two more children to the mix, it became more difficult and time consuming to use the free programs.

She also realized that with three children vying for her time, she needed a home education program in which she could combine multiple ages for different subjects.

Stepheny admits, “I was the one who thought we had to do all the worksheets and all the flashcards and all the drills, and it almost drove me insane.” Her advice for new homeschoolers as they search out homeschool curriculum options is to know that “you don’t have to do everything.”

Stepheny shares that she eventually realized, “I don’t have to look like the public school.”

Nowadays, Stepheny says, “What I use changes based on each kid because each has their individual needs.” This ability to be flexible and to determine what works best for our family is a huge benefit of homeschooling!

Listen in to hear more of Stepheny’s insights from nearly a decade of homeschooling and using many different curricula over the years. She also shares what she looks for in a homeschool program.

Stepheny Seabolt is the wife of one amazing husband and the mama to three very interesting kiddos, ages 12, 13, and 16. A West Virginia gal through and through, even though she’s currently stuck in North Carolina. She and her family are getting ready to start their tenth year of homeschooling next month. Stepheny went back to school in 2016 and received her associate’s degree in business administration. She also runs a homeschool bookstore from home and works with The Old Schoolhouse to help other parents get started homeschooling. In her free time, Stepheny loves to cook from scratch, read, sing, and add to the list of places she doesn’t have to wear shoes!




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The post I Don’t Have to Look Like the Public School (Replay) appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.