Military Homeschool Podcast

Military Homeschool Podcast

Fostering Resilience with Morgan Farr Part Two

September 26, 2023
Fostering Resilience with Morgan Farr, Part Two | Listen in as Crystal chats with military wife and homeschool mom Morgan Farr. Crystal and Morgan talk about the hot topic of socialization. Then Morgan shares how she homeschools children with unique needs as she addresses her own needs as someone with autism | #militaryhomeschoolmom#militarymoms #homeschooling #TipsHomeschooling #FosteringResiliencewithMorganFarr #FosteringResilience #FosteringResiliencewithMorganFarrPartTwoFostering Resilience with Morgan Farr, Part Two

S2, E7 – Fostering Resilience with Morgan Farr, Part Two. Listen in as Crystal chats with military wife and homeschool mom Morgan Farr. Crystal and Morgan talk about the hot topic of socialization. Then Morgan shares how she homeschools children with unique needs as she addresses her own needs as someone with autism.

Part Two

Morgan and Crystal talk about the hot topic of socialization. Morgan explains that traditional school “socialization” is not how the real world operates. She says, “The world is full of dynamic individuals- people of different ages, races, religions, beliefs, backgrounds- and I want my kids to know that that is the norm.” Further, she shares, “I want my kids to grow up knowing that learning is a lifelong endeavor. Saying ‘I don’t know,’ or ‘I’m not sure,’ is totally acceptable. . . I don’t think you can learn to do that well when surrounded by your own age group and your own demographic.”

During part two, Morgan also tells her secret to keeping her sanity as an adult with autism while homeschooling several children, including one with ADHD. She gives tips and advice on adapting to each family member’s unique needs, which nurtures empathy and respect for others, as well as cultivating strong communication skills that they will carry into their interactions with others throughout their lives.

You don’t want to miss this episode!

If you missed Part One, you can listen to it HERE.

Guest Info

Morgan Farr is a Texas-loving, succulent-cultivating book nerd and aspiring author. As an Army spouse, she has learned to lean heavily on Christ while walking this military life. Morgan and her husband have four young children and two fantastic working dogs. As a jack-of-all-trades, Morgan is always learning something new. When she isn’t homeschooling her children, writing for Christian publications, or training her Dutch Shepherd, Morgan can be found listening to Texas country music while lifting weights, reading, or cheering on the Texas Aggies. Morgan is best known for her structure, discipline, and organization. She uses these skills as the Director of Publishing for Planting Roots, the graphic designer for Mission:Milspouse, and in various positions within Protestant Women of the Chapel. You can connect with Morgan on all major social media channels using her handle @morgandfarr.


Farr Fitness

Penn Vet Working Dog Center

Five and Thrive

Planting Roots

Mission: Milspouse


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Blue Star Museums

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The post Fostering Resilience with Morgan Farr Part Two appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.