Military Homeschool Podcast

Military Homeschool Podcast

Moving with Kids, Susan Miller Shares Hope and Encouragement

August 22, 2023
Moving with Kids

Susan Miller Shares Hope and Encouragement

S2, E2 – Crystal chats with guest Susan Miller from Just Moved Ministry about the impact that moving has on the entire family and how moms and kids can make meaningful connections in a new community. Be ready to be inspired and encouraged!

Finding friends and making connections after a PCS/ move can be a challenge, especially for military homeschoolers. Moving affects everyone in the family and can be a rollercoaster of stress and emotions.

Susan Miller, founder of Just Moved Ministry, and author of the book, After the Boxes are Unpacked, is a much sought-after speaker at conferences, women’s events, and military installations addressing the impact of a move and sharing tips on how to transition and adjust for moms and kids. Susan’s upbeat, cheerful attitude will leave you encouraged, inspired, and filled with hope.

Yes, change can be hard but this acronym for the word change, which Susan shares during her conversation with Crystal, will encourage you in whatever season of transition you may find yourself in today.


C- Cling to God

H- He is unchanging

A- Always trust in God

N- Never give up

G- Great is His faithfulness

E- Encourage one another, and let it start in your own home with your spouse and children.

You don’t want to miss this episode!

Guest Bio

Susan Miller is invited to speak throughout the U.S. and internationally at church conferences, women’s events, corporate venues, and military installations. Those whose

lives have been uprooted by a move that resonates with her unique and hope-filled message to look to God in the midst of change and uncertainty.

Although often asked to speak about the impact of a move, her other topics include leading a life of faith, pursuing spiritual growth, and thriving amidst the demands of life, marriage,

and parenting. Women are eager to learn how to successfully face life’s challenges and they appreciate the experience, wisdom, and humor that Susan brings to her speaking and


Susan is best known for her book After the Boxes are Unpacked. For more than 25 years, uprooted women around the world have gathered together in churches, neighborhoods, community centers, military installations, and missionary headquarters for a group study based on the book. By the end of the study, these women are grateful for the friends they’ve made and for the deep hope and trust they’ve found in God.

As America’s Moving Coach® and Founder of Just Moved Ministry, Susan has been a popular guest on radio, TV, and streaming programs that have addressed the emotional

challenges and the opportunities for spiritual growth brought on by a major life change— especially a move. Her articles on this subject have appeared in many Christian

publications in print and online. Susan has even hosted her own radio talk show, Just Moved!

Established in 1995, Just Moved Ministry is a non-profit, global organization dedicated to the emotional well-being and spiritual growth of women who are uprooted by a move.

Through Biblical teaching and one-on-one encouragement, Just Moved prepares, inspires, and equips a woman to trust God with her future, put down new roots, and embrace life in a

new community.

Susan lives in Scottsdale, AZ, and treasures her role as a mother of two and grandmother of six.


Just Moved Ministry
After the Boxes are Unpacked
But Mom, I Don’t Want to Move
Just Moved Ministry Shop

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The post Moving with Kids, Susan Miller Shares Hope and Encouragement appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.
