Militarily Speaking

Ep. 6 Mil Housing Network with Danielle Adams
Welcome to the "Militarily Speaking" podcast with Tom McLean and Jodi Vickery.
In this episode of “Militarily Speaking,” Tom and Jodi talk with Danielle Adams from Mil Housing Network. They discuss the benefits available to those using Mil Housing Network’s services, especially their real estate partners and lending partners, the latter of which includes Armed Forces Bank. Tom and Jodi also play the next round of Military Minute.
“Militarily Speaking” is a podcast produced by Armed Forces Bank that is dedicated to the military lifestyle and all the things that makes military community who they are.
Episode 6: Mil Housing Network with Danielle Adams
Tom’s Tangent
Tom leads in by listing some statistics about the current market conditions, promising not to sound too doom and gloom, while also noting that the opinions contained within this segment are his own and not that of Armed Forces Bank.
- Current inflation rate is 8.3%, unemployment rate is 3.6%, 5.9 million people unemployed but 11 million job openings, wages are increasing across the country.
- The average home value appreciation since 1987 is 4.6%, however during the pandemic in 2021 home valuations were up 19%, and in 2022 so far they are up 11%.
- Rent is up 26.5% just this year, mortgage rates since the first time in the 1980s went up two full percentage points in just a few months from around 3% to now 5%, with home owners insurance prices also increasing 6%.
- Tom continues to list other statistics about increasing prices on gas, food, other daily stapes, meanwhile the stock market is down significantly.
- Tom notes that all of those statistics are a reason that a home purchase is one of the most important decisions someone can make, and a reason that Mil Housing Network is so vitally important to help out our military.
Mil Housing Network
Jodi welcomes Danielle to the show, and runs through a bit of her background, but asks Danielle more detail on her background.
- Danielle goes through her background, which includes PCS-ing during early 2021.
- She noted that when they were moving in the middle of the pandemic, she was looking for remote work, and found Mil Housing Network.
- She describes how much she loves the work she does as a support provider for military families.
Tom notes that Mil Housing Network has a Free Ultimate PCS Guide, and then asks what Mil Housing Network is and how it helps service members before, during, and after a move.
- Danielle says that at Mil Housing Network, their team is mainly military spouse powered, meaning they are just like their clients and have experienced firsthand what PCS moving is like.
- She continues saying that they work with clients beginning to end providing helpful resources such as the Ultimate PCS Guide, connecting clients to vetted agents and lenders to assist with their home search or home sale, all the way through to closing.
Benefits of Using Mil Housing Network
Jodi says that as someone who has PCS-ed many times before, she understands how valuable it is to have that continuity. She then asks if you are a real estate agent, how do you get connected into Mil Housing Network so you can help, and why is it so important to have people that understand that PCS journey?
- Danielle notes how important how important a great fit is when finding an agent to work with.
- At Mil Housing Network, she continues, they have an agent services team that interviews potential agents and thoroughly researches their background to understand their familiarity with VA Loans, how many military families they have helped, etc.
- She said that if you are a real estate agent and are interested in getting involved, you can send them an email at
Tom asks how a military service member begins their journey with the Mil Housing Network, and what are some tips and tricks that will help them make their move more seamless.
- Danielle says that a majority of inquiries come from their online communities, such as their Facebook group, or directly from their website
- She lists out a couple of other Facebook groups that might be helpful for people about to PCS, and also mentions that Mil Housing Network hosts a show every Wednesday.
- Danielle shares her favorite tip which is, “it’s never too early to start asking questions,” and recommends preparing for the aspects you have control over.
- She discusses the benefits of using the real estate agents within the Mil Housing Network, as they understand the clients they will be working with, and are flexible enough to meet the ever changing circumstances during a PCS move.
Changing Conditions and Mil Housing Network
Jodi asks when you are a family that has “Orders Subject to Change” and they do in fact change, do you keep working with the same agent, or do you get a new agent depending on where you are going to be stationed at?
- Danielle says that her role is to work closely between the real estate agent and the lender, so if your orders change they will work on your behalf to find a new agent in your new location for you.
- She also notes that because they have realtor partners throughout the US, they can help their clients regardless of where they will be moving to.
Tom asks whether she stays apprised of the market conditions, especially since the dates when working with the military are in so much flux.
- Danielle says that the markets are rapidly changing, so she always defers to lender and realtor partners for the most up-to-date info on the markets.
- Mil Housing Network does provide updated market reports when requested, though she notes that it is still best to talk to a real estate agent who has their ear to the ground.
Jodi then follows this line of thinking, questioning Danielle what benefits Mil Housing Network offers to military families, or especially the spouses that are likely carrying most of the weight when it comes to the logistics of the move itself.
- Danielle notes that the biggest benefit of using them is that they are primarily military spouses, meaning they have walked a mile in their customers shoes and are able to relate to the situation they are going through.
- She notes that there will always be things to learn, but they will be there to provide information, connections, and support in any way they can.
- Danielle adds how the company is growing as well to make sure they can continue to be a one-stop shop for military families.
Jodi and Tom wrap up their interview, thanking Danielle and noting Armed Forces Bank’s partnership with Mil Housing Network.
Military Minute
Tom introduces the Military Minute segment of the show, beginning by closing out last episode’s Military Minute.
- Last episode’s Military Minute: How long must a Coast Guard vessel be for it to be deemed a “cutter”?
- Answer: Over 65 feet!
- This week’s Military Minute question: How many military families PCS annually?
- Watch for Facebook and Instagram posts about this episode.
- Answer with the correct answer and you plus a charity of your choice can each win $50.
Join us to hear how to better navigate your finances, military life, and the crossroads of the two.