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The Mike Church Show Channel

The Mike Church Show-Trump Names A Catholic To Be VP And Catholics React Like The Left

July 16, 2024



Time 6:03am cst
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JD Vance Nominated as Trump’s Vice President

  • Do you wanna quit?
  • Just surrender and never vote again.
  • If you do that though, you must not ever complain to anyone ever.
  • Trump has basically said here the future of the Conservative party is now in the hands of this young Catholic JD Vance.
  • I’d take this as a win!
  • Young Catholic Conservatives have a high prominent place, where is this bad?
  • Do you not feel hope?
  • CRUSADER STADIUM: A phrase attributed to Voltaire goes “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.” Chesterton meant something similar when he reminded us that “If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly.” It’s what I needed to hear this week. The two phrases brought to my mind the thousands of times that I gave up pursuing some good, great or small, upon realizing that my attempt would be imperfect at best.
  • What species participates in suicide?
  • NONE of them do, their entire existence is to procreate and continue the lifeline. 
  • THat is the party of the left. 
  • They want to sterilize, they want to dismember their entire platform is death!
  • Do I wish Vance would have said I believe in life at conception and not steered from that?
  • Yes of course but he didn’t do that.
  • He is still Catholic however.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson at Heritage’s Policy Fest in MilwaukeeEvery bad person I’ve ever met in a lifetime in Washington was aligned against JD Vance. I’d say that is a serious badge of honor.

HEADLINE: 27 Facts About J.D. Vance, Trump’s Pick for V.P. by Shawn McCreesh

  1. His name was not always James David Vance.
  2. He longed for a role model.
  3. He had a fraught relationship with his mother, who was married five times.
  4. He was raised by blue-dog Democrats.
  5. As a teenager, he loved Black Sabbath, Eric Clapton and Led Zeppelin.
  6. He was taught to accept gay people.
  7. As a candidate, he said he would vote against federal protections for gay and interracial marriage. 
  8. He’s a late-in-life Catholic.
  9. He was a young Marine.
  10. “Proud to Be an American” gets him every time.
  11. He was never a “birther”. 
  12. He later soured on Mr. Obama (and warmed to Trump).
  13. He felt imposter syndrome at Yale Law School.
  14. Mr. Vance met his wife, Usha, at Yale.
  15. He found famous mentors.
  16. Former Gov Mitch Daniels of Indiana, a centrist, was his “political hero”. 
  17. He did not vote for Mr Trump in 2016.
  18. But he claimed to understand Mr Trump’s appeal. 
  19. He deleted his old social media posts that were critical of Mr. Trump.
  20. His wife clerked for Chief Justice John G Roberts, and, before he was on the Supreme court, for Brett Kavanaugh.

6:35am cst



















HEADLINE: The Butterfly Effect & Men Of Destiny by Rod Dreher 

Hillbilly Elegy – book by JD Vance

  • I interviewed JD Vance, it wasn’t a bad interview but nothing special either. Yet for reasons known only to God and the Algorithm, it went mega-viral, melting TAC’s server two or three times that weekend. Suddenly J.D. Vance was everywhere. A star was born — a star that has done nothing but rise since then.
  • I too interviewed JD Vance and thought nothing of it. 
  • It wasn’t a bad interview, but it wasn’t stellar either.
  • The aim of the sniper was true, but Trump tilted his head.
  • He called for a graphic to be thrown up and the screen closest to him he couldn’t see so he moved a millimeter to see the screen.
  • That small move to see the screen, that one move saved his life.
  • That last quality is understood by some of Trump’s religious supporters as proof of divine favor and a reason to support him absolutely. But this is a presumptuous interpretation. (Some notably sinister historical figures have enjoyed miraculous-seeming escapes from assassination.) The man of destiny might represent a test for his society, a form of chastisement, an exposure of weakness and decay — in which case your obligation is not to support him without question, but to try to recognize the historical role he’s playing and match your response to what’s being unsettled or unveiled.
  • But that recognition is essential. Why talk about Trump in these sweeping terms, the anti-Trump reader might say, bringing in God and history and building him up to be something more than just a charlatan and demagogue? Because otherwise you’re just not dealing in reality. The man has survived self-disgrace and countless political near-death experiences, he’s poised for the greatest comeback in American political history, he just turned an attempted assassination into a Renaissance painting of bloodied defiance … you either see him as the defining figure of the age or you don’t see him at all.
  • God either wills it or allows it.
  • Something is going on here folks.
  • He could have picked Rubio and he could have picked Youngkin, he would have been a great asset. 
  • There are a lot of people that are pissed off that he didn’t pick Vivek Ramaswamy.
  • He is well spoken and out spoken in the Conservative circle.
  • He could have picked Kristi Noem. 
  • She spoke last night at the RNC.

Trivia Question – How many females were in Trumps Milwaukee detail last night?



  • Trump had all of these choices and 2 years to think about it.
  • He settled on JD Vance.
  • Whether you like it or not, that is the pick.
  • That was his choice.
  • The future looks like a JD Vance future, so is that a bad thing?

If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email

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7:06am cst
Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


Hindu Prayer at RNC 2024

  • There were some great moments and some not so great moments as with everything.
  • Free Masons – 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Pastor of Holy Lutheran ChurchYou’re gonna be so blessed (in his Trump voice).

AUDIO/VIDEO: JD Vance Viral MomentsYou can believe in the border and the country w/o being a racist. It takes a special amount of gall to be in the Biden crew then complain about fentanyl. 

  • Why don’t you want this type of politician, that says things like this in the White House with Donald Trump?
  • Has Vance betrayed you personally?
  • Has he betrayed the American people?
  • Donald Trump has pushed a conservative, Catholic Ohioan. 
  • Honestly I think that Catholics have been betrayed time and time again by Catholic politicians that claim to be devout that we just jump straight to OHHH NO, HERE WE GO AGAIN and start picking that person apart before we truly know what he/she is going to do.
  • Does this go against hope?
  • Does this go against charity?
  • The sin of presumption perhaps?


Caller Cindy Lucas from Florida

  • Steve Bannon promoted JD Vances’ book Hillbilly Elegy well before Trump was considering him for VP.
  • It was like a Pat Buchanan book.
  • This is a story of an American family in the Rust Belt being decimated by the Government.
  • Then comes along Breitbart radio.
  • He didn’t support Trump back then either.
  • In 2016 he was a #NeverTrump.
  • I think what happened here is he became a Catholic and started to see what Trumps policies really where.
  • Why would Trump leave the MAGA legacy in the hands that would crush it or not continue on this legacy?
  • This will be Trumps last hurrah we have to remember that.
  • He is thinking about his legacy right now too!
  • Would he entrust his legacy to someone that he didn’t think would carry it on MAGA style?
  • Would he relinquish Trump tower to someone that hates him and everything he stands for?


7:33am cst
Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at



Frank Wright

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  • Should Trump win it will be the end of Globalism.
  • Trump attempted assassination – BlackRock was already trying to pick his predecessor. 
  • They attempted to destroy him legally, financially and none of that worked, it just made him more powerful and popular.
  • It is difficult to argue against the idea was to have Trumps head explode on national TV.
  • Remember there was no LIVE TV at the time of John F Kennedy’s assassination so a tale was able to be spun.
  • Peace Mission – Hungary and Zelensky admitted yesterday he would allow Russians into the negotiations. 
  • That is a humiliating end for Zelensky honestly.


  • Trump’s life was saved by going off script. He turned away from the teleprompter to ask his team to bring up a politically incorrect hatefact about immigration. Pointing to this forbidden fact prevented the bullet from passing through his skull, clipping his ear instead.
  • Now there are people out there stating Trump set this all up.
  • That he paid someone to shoot him JUST in the ear for political gain.
  • That is absolutely preposterous and if you believe that, there is simply no talking to you.
  • What a radical statement – 
  • People invent things for their own self-esteem.
  • I’m much cleverer than you right?
  • As for the death cult thing – Tucker Carlson said the same thing yesterday.
  • Corey C was not just a dad or husband, he was opposed to the Cult!
  • I was delighted to find that Corey had denounced Lindsey Graham, he said he didn’t have any children b/c all his partners lacked ovaries! 
  • We fight b/c there is a great global evil.
  • This is about the extension of life and truth as we know it.
  • Make friends w/ your neighbors, lift weights and say your prayers b/c you are going to need all of them!


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Eric Sammons

CEO of Crisis Magazine

  • Secret Service at the Detroit Turning Point USA Rally.
  • I saw in the rafters there was a sniper, you didn’t make a joke about anything around them that is how serious it was.
  • They took that open door very seriously that day so that is why I scratch my head at what happened on Saturday.
  • Even at that event they asked for more security in Detroit so we didn’t even see it all.
  • We live in a very degenerate culture and we are an extreme minority.
  • One party is psychotic and want to destroy us. 
  • The other party rolls over the degeneracy but they will allow us to raise our kids in the faith.
  • Which party will allow me to live in my community and raise my children the way I want in the Catholic faith?
  • JD Vance isn’t as bad as Biden.
  • He is actually even better than Trump on Abortion.
  • We cannot compare JD to Biden, that is simply dishonest.
  • Personally Opposed vs Politically Opposed
  • The Catholic hierarchy has failed miserably on this topic and we have to recognize where we are, we have so much work to do.
  • But JD Vance is not the enemy here.
  • We aren’t in a moment where we can demand purity on this.
  • We are laity, we need the Church, the Pope to come out strong and hard on abortion before we can move for purity from all Catholics on this.
  • He will get his chance to defend himself on the abortion stance.

HEADLINE: Why Trump? by Sheryl Collmer 

  • Trump is the most successful politician to go all in on America First.
  • Why shouldn’t we be ecstatic for the pick of the Conservative Catholic?
  • Is there another stronger Catholic in the Congress or Senate?
  • The worst thing about his 1st presidency is the people he picked right?
  • We knew it was possible for him to pick another bad pick.
  • We have to be realist here.
  • He was going to pick someone like Marco Rubio or Doug Burgum. 
  • Of the people that were in his list, JD Vance was the best choice.
  • Who was the first Senator to come out against the funding of Ukraine?
  • It was JD Vance!
  • I feel JD Vance is America first, I don’t like his stance on Israel but lets face it they are ALL Israel loving at this point in time.
  • I think Trump is surrounded by Catholics, that is becoming more and more clear.
  • I really believe Our Lady of Fatima was involved in saving his life on Saturday.
  • I do believe, my prayer is that Trump himself responds to that grace and becomes Catholic.
  • JD Vance converted just 5 years ago and the Chrism oil still smells a bit.
  • We pray this rolls off to Trump of course!
  • Mass will be said in the White House, the Vance family prays the rosary these are the things we should look at and be thankful for.

8:33am cst

Charles and Don

Debate on JD Vance VP Pick

Don from the Bronx

  • I take issue w/ those going on social media and stating, that’s it, I’m out I am not voting anymore.
  • They want to close their eyes to the reality around them and pretend we live in 15th century France or Spain but the reality is we don’t.
  • You don’t sit out b/c of this man’s position on this issue.
  • Should we expect better from our politicians when at least 80% of Catholics actually agree w/ JD Vance. 
  • 56% of all Catholics in the US believe abortion should be legal.
  • 32% of all Catholics belive it should be illegal but certain circumstances believe it should be legal.
  • JD Vance has found the niche where 80+% of the nations Catholics believe. 


  • I disagree w/ Eric Sammons the issue at hand is JD Vance was on Meet the Press to clarify his stance on over the counter abortion pill.
  • He said, yes I do.
  • Maybe he didn’t understand the question or doesn’t understand what the pill is about or does.
  • I don’t believe that the abortion chart or poll is being read correctly.
  • 88% figure is why I don’t think you can combine to get that number.
  • This drug blocks hormone progesterone. 

Is Abortion on any level a deal breaker for you?

Charles – Yes that is a deal breaker for me.

Don – I want to thank Charles for being here first, b/c not many on social media will put their voice behind what they Tweet or post. Archbishop of Paris on obligation to vote – the normal means of contributing to the public. We must say it is every citizens duty to vote. If a citizen votes wisely, he has the ability to check evil. 20 years later on Feast of Christ the King, it is necessary to vote justly and usefully. Voting for a 3rd party or staying home when we are facing death and the end of our religion, the world has changed radically, we are dealing w/ unhumans. This isn’t a time for sitting on the sidelines. We need to vote for the imperfect people that have spoken well on the evils that we face in our time. There is no hope w/ a Biden/Kamala and in fact you are increasing the odds of evil running rampant if you sit at home. You are required to step up and take up this issue.

Charles – I just don’t think that high number is true. Abortion pill, I think it accounts for 66% of abortions. The people that think people that want abortion on demand is left at 43%. The new number is about 94% of abortions being done w/ the pill.

Do you disagree w/ the responsibility to vote?

Charles – I think Catholics are under no obligation to vote if it violates their conscious. Let me just say this, that we must endorse someone b/c they have an R behind their name, that won’t improve the culture. Things are getting worse, just look at our culture now. The lesser of two evils, that just isn’t the way to do it. I think withholding your vote will make change and it is big enough to change the culture.

Do you think that evolution of Trump is possible again?

Don – If you voted for President Trump the first time that should have zero effect on what you do this go around. Mike Pence was an apostate Catholic so if you voted for Trump then you voted for an anti-Catholic person. I was told I was not Catholic, a father of 5 b/c I supported Trump and JD Vance.

Charles – I don’t think anyone can call JD Vance pro-life and Catholic when he supports the most used abortion pill. JD Vance in many ways is a contradiction. We don’t know what he is exactly. 

If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or