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The Mike Church Show Channel

The Mike Church Show-Everything Wrong With The Left’s Failure To Kill Trump

July 15, 2024



Time 6:03am cst
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Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

  • Catastrophic failure by the Secret Service.
  • This isn’t a knock on anyone there at that PA event.
  • But nevertheless, this happened and they are responsible.
  • Let’s just talk about height for one second. 
  • Donald Trump is 6’3” and the women in the Secret Service that are in charge of protecting him were like 5’4”.
  • That leaves an entire headshot left open.
  • This is what Leviathan produces. 
  • There were 3 women on that detail that were completely not prepared for anything like this.
  • I hate to say it but DEI almost ensured Trump would DIE.
  • This 20 year old was filmed by video bear crawling on that roof.
  • Did no one in the crowd call 911?
  • Did no one have a beer bottle to throw at this punk?
  • Where were the manly men in this crowd that saw this punk to stop him before he could fire that weapon?
  • The Head of Secret Service must resign.
  • She is an absolute disaster and if she doesn’t resign we know it was all done on purpose.
  • They need to have their careers ended.
  • The Secret Service has ONE MISSION.
  • Their only mission is to keep the person they are to protect alive.
  • This was a complete and total failure on many levels.
  • From the women in his detail to the spotters on the roof to the local law enforcement in the area, it was failure all the way around.
  • It is either incompetence or intentional and both are terrible.
  • The SS rely on local law enforcement to do outside perimeter sweeps.
  • So is this the local law enforcement problem?

6:35am cst

HEADLINE: Secret Service blames local police, says it was tasked with securing properties surrounding Trump’s Pa. rally by Alex Oliveira and Victoria Churchill

  • The Secret Service blamed local police for failing to secure the rooftop from which gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump, insisting it was outside of the perimeter the federal agency was tasked with protecting. 
  • Instead, securing and patrolling the factory grounds of AGR International Inc. — located about 130 yards from the stage where Trump was speaking Saturday — was the responsibility of local Pennsylvania police.
  • Attendees reported seeing 20-year-old Thomas Crooks acting suspiciously near rally metal detectors, according to CNN, with local law enforcement being notified and broadcasting warnings over their radios to the Secret Service to be on the lookout for him.
  • He was also reportedly seen with a rifle outside of a security checkpoint to gain entrance into the rally, and later spotted jumping “roof to roof” before settling on the AGR factory.
  • Police apparently failed to locate him while those alerts were out, before finally responding to reports of an armed man on top of the AGR roof.
  • A local police officer climbed a ladder onto the roof and came face to face with Crooks, who who was pointing his rifle at him, law enforcement sources told the Associated Press.
  • The officer backed down the ladder, and in those moments Crooks took aim and fired about eight bullets on the rally. He struck Trump in the ear, and fatally struck bystander Corey Comperatore in the audience, and gravely wounded two others in the crowd.
  • So this is basically another Uvalde.
  • This police officer just went back down the ladder, he didn’t engage or anything!
  • Either incompetence or intentional, either way people die.
  • Someone or some people have to pay!




AUDIO/VIDEO: President Donald Trump in Butler PA – Attempted Assassination 

  • All of the money we spend on National Security and Secret Service and FBI and CIA, all of that was pissed away by a no nothing loser 20 year old.
  • All of it was for nothing.
  • There was not a single FB post or Instagram or TikTok video or text message or nothing to give a heads up on this?
  • $1.2 Trillion dollar spy state and we couldn’t prevent this?
  • Where were the drones at this rally?
  • Bear in the Air!

AUDIO/VIDEO: Eyewitness Interviewed by the BBC Moments After ShotsEyewitness tells BBC that he informed police, Secret Service about a suspicious man on a roof with a rifle. He was ignored.

  • As soon as they had someone tell them there was someone on a roof, Trump should have been immediately removed from that stage.
  • That is the conclusion.
  • The protocol says if there is a weapon that is on the premise not in the hands of SS, the protocol is protect POTUS w/ your LIFE you protect POTUS!
  • PERIOD, end of story!
  • How is this possible?
  • It is impossible that this happened.
  • This makes Trump the 6th President to be shot.

If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email

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7:06am cst
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HEADLINE: “Yesterday time stopped,” daughter writes after dad shielded her from bullets by Patrick Cloonan

  • This man went to this Trump rally w/ his family.
  • He thought to his dying moment that Donald Trump could solve some of these problems.
  • He drove to Butler PA to see the man he thought could help save this country.
  • Corey Comperatore is a hero.
  • “Yesterday time stopped,” she wrore. “And when it started again my family and I started living a real-life nightmare. What was supposed to be an exciting day that we had all looked forward to (ESPECIALLY my dad), turned into the most traumatizing experiences someone could imagine.”
  • She doubted that the media would cover what happened when her father shielded her and her mother and died “a real-life super hero.”
  • However, she added, “he was the best dad a girl could ever ask for. My sister and I never needed for anything. You call, he would answer, and he would do whatever it is you needed, and if he didn’t know how he would figure out how. He could talk and make friends with anyone, which he was doing all day yesterday and loved every minute of it. He was a man of God, loved Jesus fiercely, and also looked after our church and our members as family.”
  • It was an epitome of what Jesus once said about not being any greater love than to lay down one’s life for his friends … or, in this case, a family.
  • “He loved his family,” Allyson Comperatore wrote. “He truly loved us enough to take a real bullet for us. And I want nothing more than to cry on him and tell him thank you. I want nothing more than to wake up and for this to not be reality for me and my family.
  • We lost a selfless, loving, husband, father, brother, uncle, son, and friend. And I will never stop thinking about him and mourning over him until the day that I die too. July 13th will forever be a day the changed my life. I will never be the same person I was less than 24 hours ago.”
  • Donald Trump after being checked out immediately showed remorse and prayers for those injured and dead at this same rally.
  • Are those the actions of a man that doesn’t care?
  • Are those the actions of a man that hates America and those that live in it?
  • Do we have people really sick enough to say that Trump planned this?
  • This is a real American citizen that lost a real American father on Saturday.
  • I’m not saying Donald Trump can save America b/c only Christ can do that.
  • The DeepState is responsible and the American people should stand up and demand answers for this.
  • The PA State Troopers blew it, your local police department blew it and all of this is on them. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Dan Bongino on FOX News on Attempted Assassination of Donald TrumpYou are telling me the best technology was deployed and you missed a shooter that close? When we go to NY we use NYPD sniper shooters. If this is the best we have and we had a sniper shooter team, how did they miss him? It is broad daylight on a white roof. Was there drones or areal support? The evacuation didn’t even go right. There could have been another person in the crowd. At least they got that part right. The failure here is absolutely catastrophic.


Richard Barrett

Follow Richard on GAB and X – @ElArmedCatholic

  • It has now come out that these people in the SS on Saturday were NOT his permanent detail.
  • His normal detail had been given that day off.
  • That is why you saw the 3 women that looked completely lost.
  • One chasing her ponytail, one juggling her sunglasses and one that couldn’t holster her gun.
  • The SS always has permission to shoot, there is a no questions asked.
  • This is just massive finger pointing happening now.
  • There are about 2 minutes where people are screaming there is a man there on the roof.
  • Then the shots rang out.
  • There was a local cop that went up on that roof and WALKED AWAY.
  • 1 minute later Trump is shot.
  • USA Today says 556 round was fired.


7:33am cst
Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at



CJ Doyle

  • He got w/in 140 yards w/ a clear sight at a former President!
  • In or modern era, this is unheard of.
  • How could he get on an unsecured rooftop.
  • This was and Andrew Jackson moment.
  • They shoot him and he gets up and lifts his fist in defiance!
  • Thank God he is alright and it was prevented by God it looks like he moved his head at the last moment.
  • This should have never happened.
  • The Republican Party Platform 2024 –
  • IVF and Abortions – 
  • Republican Party Platform 2016 –
  • President Trump is making a mistake w/ this I feel.
  • Many in the pro-life party could potentially walk away from him w/ this new platform of no mention of any of the pro-life values he has held previously.
  • We have obtainable pro-life laws we could absolutely pass and now they are just all gone.
  • Completely gone from the GOP platform and replaced by a generic statement on ‘standing for life’.
  • Pain capable child protection that is gone too.
  • Sex selection abortions that has also been removed.
  • There is so much of the pro-life platform just now gone.
  • This was ALWAYS in the Republican platform since 1976!
  • Just b/c Roe v Wade is now gone, we don’t stop standing up for the rights of the unborn.
  • They have removed 27 things from the original pro-life platform from the Republican platform.
  • Plank #4 Under Family – 


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AUDIO/VIDEO: Montage From MSNBC from One Month Ago ONE Show for about an HourDonald Trump only cares about himself, he wants to dismantle Democracy, he is a greasy pig, he is doing Putin’s bidding, to save our republic we must make sure he doesn’t get in the White House again. It is Democracy and freedom vs Dictatorship and authoritarian-ship. 

Three weeks ago I was at a Trump rally in Detroit.

We have listeners that have attended LIVE Trump events.

It could have been any one of us.

HEADLINE: There Can Be No Unity With The Violent Democrat-Media Industrial Complex by John Daniel Davidson

  • You can’t incessantly use rhetoric designed to incite violence and then call for calm when violence inevitably erupts.
  • You are the same kind of people that rounded up Polish officers.
  • You are the same people that want murder of the unborn at any stage on demand.

Caller Clark from Butler PA

  • I’m from Butler and we go to this arena all the time.
  • I was 200 ft from the stage. 
  • I was up against the near fence.
  • One thing I can share that isn’t in the media, the difference in the crowd from the beginning to the end.
  • Every 10 minutes there were stretchers w/ EMS due to heat.
  • It was only a few minutes after they got everyone out.
  • All of the bickering and heat exhaustion, they all remembered they were on the same team again.
  • EVERYONE was ready for war!
  • We have to pray for peace folks.
  • The people there were in fact ready to go to war over this.
  • Multiple personnel ran over toward that building.
  • There was about 10 of them over there they had to ram the near gate w/ a cruiser sever times.
  • The fact that building was outside the security perimeter is alarming.
  • To me seeing how close it was was intentional.
  • We have both Butler City and Township police.
  • I didn’t see township police only Butler and county, state and Federal.
  • Butler is a pretty small town, we have about 13,000 people here.
  • It could have been me at that rally.
  • I wasn’t in the direct line of fire of that gunman but…I could have been.

8:33am cst

Melania Trump Letter


George Webb

Investigative Reporter

Follow George on X – @RealGeorgeWebb1

  • He was in this BlackRock video.
  • Who makes movies like that?
  • They got this kid in a video, he has no profile, no criminal activity.
  • There is a group called Antifa that did a lot of recruiting of people on the right.
  • They don’t want you to have any free speech.
  • ANTIFA recruiting camp, it is nice to have a patsy right?!
  • There is an amazing undercurrent here just like after the JFK shooting.
  • The same thing w/ aviation and space we see here in this situation.
  • They make Cornell, the glass for all the canopies for the fighters and nuclear bombs.
  • JFC – molded plastics
  • The FBI will cease everything on the premises. 
  • There is a Go Fund Me for Corey – there is a deviation from Trump shot to his shot to others that were injured.
  • There is a 20% deflection. 
  • If there wasn’t so much at stake in terms of aviation I wouldn’t look at it.
  • To me this looks like General Dynamics and the JFK assassination.
  • You take what is on the surface and you dig in.
  • How can there be such a catastrophic failure in law enforcement? 

If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or