Mike Church's New Christendom Daily

Mike Church's New Christendom Daily

Thursday New Christendom Daily-First The Came For The Cake Baker…FBI Targets Traditional Catholics As Extremists

February 09, 2023

HEADLINE: WHISTLEBLOWER DOCS: FBI Cites Southern Poverty Law Center in Report on ‘Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology’ by Tyler O’Neil 

Catholic Apologetics International
Catholic Family News
Christ or Chaos
Culture Wars/Fidelity Press
The Fatima Crusader
In the Spirit of Chartres Committee
The Remnant
Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 
Tradition in Action
Is your organization on the list from 2021?
Here is an interactive map at SPLC for you to check out your area - https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map 
The SPLC claims it does not brand Christian organizations “hate groups” merely because they oppose same-sex marriage, but many of its accusations boil down to a disagreement on LGBT issues. The SPLC branded the Ruth Institute an “anti-LGBT hate group” in part because its founder, Jennifer Roback Morse, called homosexual activity “intrinsically disordered,” pulling a direct quote from the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
This excerpt is very telling indeed: The SPLC branded the Ruth Institute an “anti-LGBT hate group” in part because its founder, Jennifer Roback Morse, called homosexual activity “intrinsically disordered,” pulling a direct quote from the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
We do not reject the Vatican II council and that is what this document says.
We believe it is valid but some are using it to push an alternative agenda.
The former FBI agent said that trend, along with this report “shows an ideological bent” that is “pervasive at this point.”
How will you know if an FBI agent has infiltrated your TLM society?
Can you profile them?
