Mike Church's New Christendom Daily

Mike Church's New Christendom Daily

The Mike Church Show-Someday The Left Might Be As Gaslit Over Murder As They Are Over Moses

June 21, 2024

The latest Left meltdown is over Moses.  Since Louisiana said the ten commandments must be in every classroom, the Libtards have suddenly discovered the Constitution again.  Not the real Constitution, the one they cite when they need a separation of church and state quote. Mike Church breaks down the latest litany by the Demoncrats and their talking heads. He reveals how they try destroy Christianity by "debunking" the bible and how these talking heads dehumanize Christians.  Mike can't wait for the day when the Libtards put this much effort in stopping murders. See the Libtards meltdown on this episode of the New Christendom Daily. 

