

Latest Episodes

The last one of the season with Kate Steele. From serving on the Food Counter to Global Communications Director of Microsoft.
May 29, 2020

So here we are at the end of my very first season and what a guest to finish on!Kate & I went to school and guides together. My life as a guide was pretty short lived after the guide camp weekend we

The One with Lisa Holdsworth. Writing for TV, Drinking with James Corden, Embracing Politics and Fighting for Female equality.
May 22, 2020

Recorded in April 2020 during Coronavirus lockdown.Lisa is an old (as in long time...) friend, fierce feminist and all round talented person. She's been involved in writing many of the UK's most popu

The One with Jen Silvester-Killen. Midlife Career Change, Marriage and a Homophobic Dad.
May 16, 2020

When Jen offered to be a guest on my podcast, it was to talk about the huge decision she made to give up her life-long Teaching career in midlife. I was happy for her to share this but the story I was most interested in was the one about having a father .

The One with Jo O'Hara - Midlife - Better Now then Never!
May 08, 2020

Meet my friend, Jo. In midlife she gave up a comfortable salary and a stable managerial role to retrain as a social worker. Cue University and a subsequent fulfilling career in Child Protection, a br

The One with Karon Dawes. When Elderly Parents Divorce!
May 01, 2020

In this episode, my friend Karon talks about the shock and the emotional fallout of her parents surprise divorce after 50 years of marriage. There is some frank talk and the odd F bomb thrown in.....

The one with Tina Markey. Bravery, Loss, Trauma and Hope.
April 24, 2020

Meet Tina, my patient, brave and kind friend who is talking about the loss of her young son, Sean and the work of www.candlelighters.org.ukcharity who support young people with life limiting conditi

The one with Jane Gray. How to go from overthinking to clarity in midlife.
April 17, 2020

This podcast is a must listen if you often find yourself experiencing worry, self doubt or overthinking. Jane is a certified Clarity Coach and specialises in helping women rediscover their true selves in midlife. You will love her. She talks so much sens.

The one with Juliet Thomas. Chaos to Creativity.
April 10, 2020

Here is my creative and eternally optimistic friend, Juliet who shares the deeply personal story of her chaotic childhood and how she has not let it define her life as an adult. She's a huge advocate for creativity for mental health and despite currently.

The One with Jo Ardern from Back in Time for The Corner Shop!
April 02, 2020

Join me and my lovely Back in Time 'Sister' as we chat about her recently aired programme and our shared and unique experiences on the BBC series.Catch up on the series herehttps://www.bbc.co.uk/i

The One with Mikki Mitchell. Love, Loss, Grief and Hope.
April 02, 2020

There are so many things we can learn about life from our friends. Mikki's is a story of adventure, love, loss, grief, vulnerability and hope.Please rate and leave a review. And if you could share on social media and with your friends, that would be ama