Latest Episodes

Episode 3 — All Villains Are British
February 05, 2015

This week the boys are joined by friend of the show Kimberly Aono, and they discuss playground safety, Scarlett Johansson, and Kim’s experience of living in Japan. Show Notes The Sharp J-SH04 is apparently the first camera phone.

Episode 3 — All Villains Are British
February 05, 2015

This week the boys are joined by friend of the show Kimberly Aono, and they discuss playground safety, Scarlett Johansson, and Kim's experience of living in Japan. - Show Notes The Sharp J-SH04 is apparently the first camera phone.

Episode 2 — Why Do You Smell Like Wolverine?
January 22, 2015

This week Derek hates Captain Planet, John hates Annie, and both of them hate on Paleo diets. Also: Charlie Hebdo, extremism, US drones, #OscarsSoWhite, and N.Korea and The Interview.

Episode 1 — Let’s Talk About You and Me (and Senate Elections, Abenomics, NBC’s Heroes, and snoring)
January 11, 2015

Our inaugural episode! Derek and John talk about themselves, John tries to explain the intricacies of Australian Senate elections, Derek complains about John's snoring, and the boys moan about a TV show that was cancelled in 2010. Show Notes Wikiped

January 05, 2015

A preview of our new show Middle, a podcast about growing up, growing old, and doing it between cultures.
