Micro Niche Mastery

Monetize your business with Affiliate Marketing, with Nathan Bynum (MNM Season 2 Episode 11)
Episode 11, Season 2 – Nathan Bynum
Welcome to the eleventh episode of the second season of The Micro Niche Mastery Podcast.
Our guest for today is Nathan Bynum, an author and the man behind lemonlaunch.com, where people learn about affiliate marketing.
Listen to this episode if you want to learn how to earn passive income through affiliate marketing.
- The truth that you need to know about affiliate marketing is at 1:21
- What’s the best way to start affiliate marketing? Check out 2:57
- The things you need to remember to make affiliate marketing work is at 5:05
- The other ways to do affiliate marketing besides blogging are at 6:23
- How do businesses grow their audience? Listen to their stories at 9:47
- If you want to be successful in affiliate marketing, take note of Nathan’s tips at 13:32
- The common characteristics of people who make a lot of money through affiliate programs are at 14:57
- Nathan helps people start making money with their businesses. Find out his ideal clients at 16:56
- Nathan’s inspiration and reasons in writing his book Goal Setting: Habits to Achieve Your Goals and Succeed in the Life You Want is at 19:27
- Marketing techniques that will help you get in front of your ideal clients can be accessed here.
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Voice Over:
Welcome to the Micro Niche Mastery Podcast, where we help you establish yourself in the perfect micro niche. So you will get noticed and grow your business faster. And now your host, he uses power naps about twice a week at 4:00 PM to allow his brain to recover from making hundreds of decisions by then. And to get ready for coaching again in the night shift, Ziv Raviv.
Hello and welcome to the Micro Niche Mastery Podcast. Hi, together with me today is Nathan Bynum, the author of Goal Setting habits to Achieve your goals and succeed in the life you want. And the person behind lemonlaunch.com where people learn how to do affiliate marketing. Hello, how are you? Good to have you here. How are you?
It’s good to be here. Doing well. Glad to be on your podcast.
It’s a pleasure to have you here. I think affiliate marketing is a topic that is a lot of time misunderstood and is, sounds scary. So let’s start with just understanding what is affiliate marketing.
Yeah, so the basics of affiliate marketing is that a company has a product or a service that they are selling, but they want to be able to promote that through what are called affiliates. And the job of the affiliates is to find those products, hopefully ones that they’ve actually use so they can have good testimonials about it and to have a understanding of what the product is. And they earn a commission through their links that they have after they set up that affiliate account because they’re referring people to that product. And so the first company is making more money because they’re not having to pay for advertisement. Affiliate is making a commission off of that sale because they’re basically a salesman for them. And then the, whoever their audience is, is getting the benefit of having those products told to them through somebody that they trust. So that’s the basic gist of what affiliate marketing is.
One of the keys, according to like, to what you just said is basically you need an audience. You need to talk with someone that trust you and tell them, Hey, this is something I actually believe in that this product was service will help you. So what type of an audience are we looking at in order to actually consider affiliate marketing as a way to monetize your business or your side hustle?
Yeah. So at this point in time, there’s pretty much an affiliate program for most companies out there. Like if you go to a website that you use for whatever your product is, like, for example, just a random example, a sewing teaching, like if someone and teaching people how to sew and they have a specific like sewing machine that they use, then they can go to that website wherever they got that from scroll down to the bottom. And that’s usually where the affiliate program is. They can sign up for. And then also Amazon is what I usually tell people to, to start out with. It’s not the best commissions, but it’s the easiest to get set up, to kind of get a feel for affiliate programs. And the benefit of Amazon is that people already have their credit cards ready to purchase in Amazon. Plus what Amazon does is they have a 24 hour cookie. So if somebody clicks through to look at that sewing machine, through your link and they don’t purchase that sewing machine with that 24 hour cookie, anything that they buy within those hours is gonna be a commission to you. So at this point, like really anybody is, has some kind of product or service that they’re gonna be able to help promote to their audience. And then just like, get that commission at no charge, no extra charge to the people who they’re promoting it to.
And basically like, it doesn’t matter what your audience size is if they’re interested in a very specific topic and you know, that there are certain things that they might need, like online courses or services or product, then by sharing an affiliate link with them, you have a monetization opportunity that is just out low hanging fruit, just waiting for you. You don’t need to actually pay anything to be a part of the affiliate program. Is that correct?
Yeah, absolutely. There’s a vetting process for most affiliate programs because affiliates sometimes have a bad name because there’s a lot of people who will just get tons of links and just kind of blast their audience with them or blast them all over the place. But that’s not how you grow a business. That’s not how you grow specifically a brand. And that makes whatever those brands are look bad. So it doesn’t cost anything to start, but you’ll have to give them some information so that they can kind of see you that you’re serious about this. You actually are kind of in the business of whatever that niche is. They’re wanting to see that you’re relevant to that audience and that you’re somebody who’s not just gonna spam people with like hundreds of links because that, that doesn’t look good for either party.
What about like the creation of the audience? Is it something that has to be exclusively from blogging and writing, like more and more on a site on your website, or could it be that you generate content and create an audience in another way?
Yeah, that’s a great question. Because a lot of people who think about affiliate marketing is just thinking like writing blog posts after blog posts, but I didn’t initially start out with affiliate marketing in mind. I was just helping people to create websites for their businesses initially. And that’s, I made a course around that and I was selling that and I realized that because of the products that I was recommending to people to save them time from having to look at all the different options, like the hosting services, the themes and everything, I was making a good amount of money through those affiliate programs because of that course. And that was something that like I created and sometimes I would run a special and just like give away the course for free. It’s a product that I already had in place that I was giving people value.
And as kind of you, you talk about in different places, like not to think of it as a funnel, but to think of it as a pyramid, like my, that free party at the bottom of the pyramid was teaching people through a PDF that I would give away to show them how to get all the components set up like the content management system, the posting service theme, all that, and teaching them how to get that for free. And then it was not having to just keep doing posts after posts, after posts, something that like I would go in have kind of what I call partnerships with people where I would do like a live with them or teaching a class or something and grow the audience that way grow, like the email list that way grow, have people go through that pyramid and to get to the top to where it’s a product, but also you’re getting that good commission off of those affiliate links. So it doesn’t always have to be just like blog posts or YouTube videos, which those are two good places to start with affiliate marketing, but those aren’t completely necessary in the long run.
So it’s, you can have your free party anywhere. Really. You might even have a free party, which is a Facebook group. You might have a free party, which is a LinkedIn profile that is just very active and people listen to you and, and follow you. And occasionally you, you tell them about something that you’re doing like a free course, and they go into your personal free party. It’s kind of like in the metaphor of the free party, it’s kind of like having sponsors or vendor booths where people go into your free party because it’s awesome. And you are getting some providing value with your content, but then they see that there’s a vendor of something else and they can choose if, to buy it or not. And if they do then you win and they win. Everyone wins. I wonder if you have some case studies with your clients or something like that, of people that were able to see some results with affiliate marketing, some, some yummy results, even with a relatively small email list. Do you have any example like that?
So the different clients, like they don’t have to have like huge audiences, they, before they start doing the affiliate program, like some of them have, have had small, small email lists and they’ve been able to produce some income from that because they’re such specified audiences. They’re like, they’re narrowed down to people who it’s relevant for. And that’s kind of like, as you talk about like the micro niches, like you want to kind of cater to that. So like there’s been different ones, like a survival blog type thing where like, people were interested in that specific niche. There, there wasn’t like a whole lot of people on their list. I don’t believe, but they’re able to make some money through that because of who they’re catering to. And they’re able to attract those people because they’re not just blasting them with those links. Like I was talking about they’re they provide value.
Like they provide like tips on survival. They’re provide different, like lists, they’re provide different resources. And so they’re able to ensure that their audience is the kind of wanting to have those products, whatever affiliate links that they sell, like the knives and camping stuff, that kind of general thing, because if they weren’t in that specific group, then they probably unsubscribe. If they start getting a bunch of emails about like, these are the top 10 bags to have for like bug out and to go camping, to survive, whatever, like they’re gonna kind of narrow down that audience because of what they’re sending them. And so that’s how they’re able to grow that list. They’re able to do that because of the different things that they teach. And they’re able to then after a certain amount of time, like promote to them like, oh, well, if you’re interested in this, then you may be wanting to know like what the best knife star is, because you’re gonna be camping a lot. You’re gonna be like doing all these things and you don’t wanna du knife while you’re out in the woods. So they’re able to monetize that regardless of like what their sizes are.
Love it. I can testify myself of the building big micro niche business. The first one I’d had an email list of 400 people before I launched my first program. In that program, I would show people an affiliate link for a hosting. It was a business program and I showed them a hosting service provider. And suddenly from every client that is paying 800 for the initial launch for the weather program, better said they were making me 850, because many of them were actually buying a hosting package. And it was a legitimate recommendation. I use that, I believe in it. And so it’s easy to give an advice and to even clear, say like, this is, I call it my ice cream link, buy this through my ice cream link and I’ll get some ice cream for my family and they love it and do it with pleasure. So what are some bigger success stories that you’ve seen with affiliate marketing?
So some of the ones that kind of come to mind are ones that have taken what they use like in their daily lives, like their ones that they’ve realized, like what tools that they’ve used. And they’ve kind of like honed in on that and shown to their audience because that’s one thing that takes up a lot of time is just the like research and figuring out like, what’s the best thing. And the like kind of navigating through different reviews that are online because a lot of the five star ones are paid and a lot of the one star ones are competitors from what I’ve seen and like on, on Amazon, that’s kind of like how a lot of it goes. So the people that I’ve seen that have been the most successful are the ones that like save their people a lot of time and kind of go through their own experiences, as opposed to other people that I’ve like seen do things that were the opposite of that, which is like just going directly to like click bank or other big, like conglomerates of a lot of different profitable looking links that they haven’t used.
They haven’t specified because audience can tell whenever it’s something that’s genuine, something that you truly believe in, or it’s something that is just that you think that is gonna make a lot of money. So from the successes that I’ve seen, it’s more people who follow those guidelines, follow those rules of providing value first, providing what they have that integrity in and ones that on the other side of that, I’ve seen just kind of fail because they don’t think about the long term benefits of having that brand. They don’t think about how it’s going to look like in a year from now two years from now, because people are gonna buy those products because they trust you, they’re gonna have those experiences, but then if they become bad experiences, then they’re gonna also kind of link that back to you and think like, oh, well, why is he recommending this to me? If this is a terrible product, like if has all these flaws with it. So kind of to answer that question in the long way is to the ones that I’ve seen most successful are the ones that kind of follow just like the customers first long term, thinking about your brand, instead of just thinking about the quick wins of having a lot of links that people can click through on,
And you actually help people in your business in lemonlaunch.com with anything that is related to affiliate marketing and making money with your business through this passive income type and how to do it authentically. So what would be like an ideal client for you? That should check out what you do.
Yeah. So an ideal client, I guess, would be somebody who kind of understands who they are as a brand, somebody who has that long term mindset, not just somebody who wants to get rich quick in the next, like two weeks, it’s somebody who understands that they’re gonna have to put that value first, they’re building this for the long term because it becomes a good source of passive income. Like once you have it set up, once you have those like funnels or the pyramid inside of your website, and think about it as just like a, another product for you, because you are the one promoting that, you’re the one who needs to have that trust and integrity with it. So somebody who has that in mind and has that mindset is somebody who I usually look for in that. And if they don’t already have that website set up, like it doesn’t matter as much because I have helped people with that as well. But it’s just the people who have the integrity is the most important thing that I look for.
I love that you, you shared your ideal client based on the values and the ethics and the vision, rather than, you know, the demographics or even the psychographic of just, oh, I need them to do this with this size of a list and this location or whatever. So good on that. And, and really understanding that that affiliate marketing will not be a good fit for you. If you are in the business of not building a relationship with thrive with your audience and just using your audience, then like actually any business will not be a good business model for you. Affiliate marketing is just one monetization system. There’s online courses, there’s products, there’s services. There’s other ways website as a service, learning as a service software, as a service and so on. But if your heart is in the right place, there’s a prequisite to want to serve in any business. Really tell me the story behind your book. Why did you, what made you write a book about productivity?
I’ve always been interested in learning myself and it’s kind of nerdy, but I’ve for the past, probably like seven years. I’ve fallen asleep, listening to Ted talks every night. And so I wanted to have a way that I could kind of assimilate all that knowledge that I’ve had and to assimilate the knowledge that I’ve gained from other people specifically that are a lot smarter than I am and a lot more successful than I am. And just like have that in a book that I could just like give to somebody or like tell them about this book, that they could come at it from whatever, wherever they are in their life, and to have kind of a roadmap to build that foundation because foundations are super critical for anything that you’re wanting to improve on. So having that foundation of those different pillars in our life, the different pillars that make up who we truly are. And so kind of, it was partly for myself, but also partly for other people to have all that knowledge in one place from all the books and podcasts I’ve listened to and the people that I’ve interviewed. So just like having it in one place that makes a lot of sense and has a lot of value from different resources.
Well, it’s definitely helpful to have a book in your track record and helps with credibility. And I think that it’s a generous thing to do. Thank you, Nathan Bynum for taking the time to share with us a few concepts about affiliate marketing. If anyone wants to learn more about you and what you do and get some assistance support for their business, with affiliate marketing, what should they do?
Yeah, they can just go over to my website, lemonlaunch.com and they’ll be able to find me from there and whatever social media links, whatever they want to connect with me on. They can find that there as well.
And lemonlaunch.com will put the link for that in the show notes on the cookie.co. Thank you guys for listening for another episode of the micro niche master podcast. You Nathan for being here.
Thanks for having me.
Voice over:
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