Mic Check Radio with Adam Hebert

Mic Check Radio with Adam Hebert

Mic Check Radio 04192014 “Hell Freezes Over”

April 20, 2014

Here’s the April 19th, 2014 edition of Mic Check Radio!


Graphic Content with Kenny Pick- Fantastic Firsts (http://www.amazon.com/Fantastic-Firsts-Stan-Lee/dp/0785108238)


Also, a reminder for our listeners to please consider taking a few moments to fill out our survey to help us determine whether or not to switch live broadcast days. It can be found at  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1aJwQua-hkEhH4giuQ7s-ODqp-ucfPa4UTthGAwGWomA/viewform and we will be accepting responses until at least May 20th. More responses means being able to select a day that works for the most people possible.