Mic Check Radio with Adam Hebert

Mic Check Radio with Adam Hebert

Mic Check Radio 02222014- “Ragnarok and Roll!”

February 19, 2014

Did you know that according to Norse mythology, the day of our next show marks the beginning of Ragnarok? You know. The end of the world. The Viking equivalent of Revelations. Apparently it does, so we figured why not run with that as a show theme. After all, the world will only end once in our lifetime right? We just hope Fenrir doesn’t break his bonds until after the show is over. Here’s what’s up this week on the big program.

We’ve got John Kendall, the King of Montana, in the house for all three hours. Also returning for all three hours is the God of Tits and Wine. That’s right, folks! The Most Badass Co-Host in Liberal Talk Radio returns for a three hour engagement, making this the first time in about two months that we’ve been at full strength.

Of course, as always we have plenty of hot, hot Crazy Christian Action(TM)! Did you know that Senator Ted Cruz (R- TexAss) has a sad about marriage equality? Bryan Fischer shares his latest conspiracy about the FCC shutting down crazy conservative Christian shows. Did a plucked turkey in a wig just compare the decision in Windsor to Dred Scott? No, it’s just The Mummy, AKA Phyllis Schlafly. Oh. And Jan Mefferd, please and thank you, will be putting in an appearance.

Sunday morning on Meet the Press, Bill Nye debated Rep. Marsha Blackburn about climate change. Isn’t letting a nimrod like Blackburn debate Bill Nye as irresponsible as allowing an infant to fight Mohammed Ali?

The verdict in the Michael Dunn case is in. Guilty of four counts of attempted murder, mistrial on the actual killing. What was the lesson to be learned? In Florida, if you kill someone you get off. We’ll have commentary on the Dunn case, Stand Your Ground, and what this means for the country as a whole. Speaking of lying, racist murders who got away, George Zimmerman was on CNN this week claiming that he’s the true victim of his crime. Not the 120 pound, 17 year old child he sat on and shot in the back. HIM. Wouldn’t it just be a shame if some Floriduh resident met Zimmerman on a dark street and felt compelled to Stand Their Ground? After all, Zimmerman is a killer! I’d certainly shoot first and ask questions later.

Speaking of racist douchebags, we’ll be pulling off the mask of Zimmerman and Stand Your Ground apologist Frank Taaffe. The man denied saying racist things on Nancy Grace’s show. Guess what that means? Yep! We’ve got juicy audio from HIS OWN podcast that proves what a racist he is. Honestly, do these assholes even try to hide their overt racism?

And of course, Kenny Pick will be joining us in Hour 3 for Asshole of the Week and Graphic Content! It’s the end of the Republican Party as we know it, and we all will feel fine on this apocalyptic edition of Mic Check Radio with Adam Hebert!

Links for the show:

Ragnarok Begins Saturday

Crazy Christian Action