mhghoultalk's Podcast

mhghoultalk's Podcast

Ghoul Talk Ever After: Episode 5-Maddie Hatter

June 01, 2014

Ghoul Talk: Ever After Agenda 5
Madeline “Maddie†Hatter
1. How many doll styles have been produced , and how many are coming soon? Also talk about her smaller stature(Amanda)
2. Family (Melissa)
-Parents, mention of any siblings?, etc flow into…Maddie from the webisodes
3. mADDIEfrom the Storybook of Legends books and/or the diaries? (Melissa)
4. Earl Grey(Topher)
5. do we know what classes does she take? (Melissa)
6. Love interests? (Amanda)
7. Riddlish and Maddie’s relationship with the Grimms(Amanda)
8.Who is your favorite version of Maddie? (ALL)
8. NEW doll review by Amanda
9. Reminders about feedback from fans to Post in the EAH forum at the mharena(Topher)
10. No news this episode REMINDER (Topher)

Show Notes:
Ghoul Talk Ever After thread on MHArena, dedicated specifically to the spinoff:,3209.0.html