mhghoultalk's Podcast

mhghoultalk's Podcast

Ghoul Talk Episode 13:Gillington Webber

April 22, 2014

Episode 13 Agenda
Gillington “Gil†Webber

1. How many doll styles have been produced
-Which is your favorite version
2. Family
- Parents-prejudices
, any known siblings?, etc
3. Translation from his monster background where do freshwater monsters comes from? VS Salt water? Any freshwater horror movies?
4. Gil from the Lisi Harrison books and/or the diaries?
5. Gil plays SOME sports, what else besides swimming?
6. Love interest w/Lagoona? Any others?
8. NEW doll review by Melissa
9. Reminders about feedback from fans to Post in the main forum at the mharena and don’t forget to send in a message for dear Abbey!!
10. North American news with Amanda
11. Dear Abbey: