The Most Hated F-Word

The Most Hated F-Word

Episode #141 “Does Money Buy Happiness? Exploring the Scientific Relationship between Money and Happiness”

June 01, 2023

With Judy Oppenheim


Judith (Judy) Oppenheim has a BA in psychology and an MBA in marketing. With over 20 years of experience in consumer insights, research, marketing, strategy, and product development, she has worked with major financial services companies and leading advertising and digital agencies. In 2019, Judith obtained her certification as a Happiness Trainer from Tal Ben Shahar's Happiness Studies Academy. She is actively involved in the education committee and is a founding member of the HSA business club. In this episode, Judy dives into the age-old question of whether money truly brings happiness.

Why Your Should Listen:

Embark on an emotional and captivating journey as we delve deep into the question that has intrigued humanity for ages: Does money truly buy happiness? In this episode, we are joined by Judith (Judy) Oppenheim, an expert in consumer insights and a certified Happiness Trainer. Through her wealth of experience and extensive research, Judy uncovers the fascinating scientific relationship between money and happiness. Get ready to challenge your preconceptions, gain invaluable insights, and unlock the secrets to a happier and more fulfilling life.

Key Highlights:

The Classic Kahneman Study: Explore the groundbreaking study that revolutionized our understanding of happiness, revealing a surprising threshold beyond which money has diminishing returns.

The Killingsworth Study: Discover a fresh perspective on the correlation between money and happiness as Judy unveils a study that sheds new light on the connection.

The SPIRE Model: Uncover a powerful framework that integrates spiritual, physical, intellectual, relationship, and emotional dimensions into your financial decisions, offering a roadmap to greater happiness.

Escaping the Hedonic Treadmill: Dive into the concept of hedonic adaptation and uncover strategies to break free from its grip, enabling you to sustain long-term happiness.

Experiences vs. Material Possessions: Challenge the age-old debate and learn how investing in experiences can enhance your overall well-being, fostering profound personal growth.

Overcoming Scarcity: Gain a profound understanding of how financial stability and meeting basic needs impact your happiness, empowering you to make wiser choices.


"Unlocking happiness isn't a direct path; it's an intricate journey of self-discovery." - Judy Oppenheim.

"To truly find happiness, we must transcend the pursuit of mere contentment and embark on the profound work of self-improvement." - Judy Oppenheim.

"Happiness isn't a constant state, but by embracing certain practices, we can cultivate more moments of joy and fulfillment." - Judy Oppenheim.

"It's not about being happy all the time; it's about embracing strategies that lead to a happier life overall." - Tal Ben Shahar.

In the words of James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, "True wealth lies not in monetary possessions but in the freedom to shape our lives, unburdened by obligations, toxic relationships, and societal pressures."

"By fostering financial literacy, we can empower individuals to unlock a happier future." - Judy Oppenheim.

"Uncover the hidden truths beyond the headlines; expand your understanding through deeper exploration." - Judy Oppenheim.

Books Mentioned:

Remember: The Science of Memory and the Art of Forgetting" by Lisa Genova Amazon link

Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert. Amazon link

The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness by  Morgan Housel: Amazon link

Happier by Tal Ben Shahar: Amazon link

Judy's Contact: