Judy Ley Allen Mexico Centered
Latest Episodes
Episode 51: The Future of US-Mexico Security and Defense (Guests: Richard Kilroy and Abelardo Rodríguez Sumano)
Guests: Richard Kilroy, nonresident scholar in the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico and associate professor of politics at Coastal Carolina University; and Abelardo Rodriguez Sumano, professor and researcher at Universidad Iberoamer
Episode 50: The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic in Mexico (Guest: Tony Payan)
Guest: Tony Payan, Director, Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico
Episode 49: Migration, Marriage and Family (Guest: Nora Haenn)
Guest: Nora Haenn, associate professor of anthropology and international studies at North Carolina State University
Episode 48: A Conversation with the Governor of Tamaulipas (Guest: Francisco Garcia Cabeza de Vaca)
Guest: Francisco Garcia Cabeza de Vaca, Governor of Tamaulipas, Mexico
Episode 47: Expectations for 2020 (Guest: Tony Payan)
Guest: Tony Payan, director, Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico
Episode 46: Lopez Obrador's First Year in Office (Guests: Tony Payan, Rodrigo Montes de Oca and Ivan Rodriguez-Sanchez)
Guests: Tony Payan, director, Center for the United States and Mexico; Rodrigo Montes de Oca, research scholar, Center for the United States and Mexico; and Ivan Rodriguez-Sanchez, postdoctoral research fellow, Center for the United States and Mexico
Episode 45: Lopez Obrador's Energy Policy (Guest: Isidro Morales)
Guest: Isidro Morales, nonresident scholar at the Center for the United States and Mexico and senior professor and researcher at Tec de Monterrey
Episode 44: Migrant Caravans and Mexico's Southern Border (Guest: Luis Arriola)
Guest: Luis Arriola, summer 2016 visiting scholar at the Center for the United States and Mexico and researcher at the Migration Studies and Trans-border Processes Academic Group at El Colegio de la Frontera Sur in Campeche
Episode 43: Wind Power in Mexico (Guest: Cymene Howe)
Guest: Cymene Howe, Associate Professor of Anthropolgy, Rice University
Episode 42: Inteligencia Financiera y Corrupción
Guest: Santiago Nieto, director de la Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera (UIF) de la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público de México