Metron Live

Metron Live

‘SEIZE LIFE! Making the Most of What You Have in Your Hand Right Now’ – Part II

September 10, 2024


+Youtube – BishInTheNow

Bishop Jim’s insightful messages help others find THEIR METRON through M~otivation E~nlightenment T~ranscendence R~enewal O~utreach and N~etworking

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Notes Below Transcribed by AI

Metron Live: Embracing Abundance,

Gratitude, and Positive Thinking

Date & Time: 2024-09-08 11:21:45

Location: Atlanta Theater

Speaker: Bishop Jim Swilley


The lecture emphasizes the importance of recognizing and utilizing one’s resources,

adopting an abundance mentality, and maintaining gratitude and positive thinking to

improve life and relationships.


1. Everything needed is already inside oneself.

2. Meditation helps find answers within.

3. Abundance is something to tune into, not acquire.

4. Importance of looking at what one has to work with.

5. Gratitude can significantly improve one’s mental state.

6. Positive thinking can lead to positive outcomes.

7. Focus on what you have and make the best of it.

8. Counting blessings is a practical exercise to avoid forgetting them.

9. Adopt an abundance mentality and speak blessings over daily activities.

10. Reflect on life events as part of a larger plan.


“The point of the teaching is that everything you need is already inside

of you.”

“I think a good piece of advice on the regular is shut up and listen.”

“Abundance is not something that we acquire, it’s something we tune

into.”– Wayne Dyer

“If you look at a sea of hungry people, Jesus says, look at what you

have, what do we have?”

“If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you

look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough.”– Oprah


“Abundance is not the absence of scarcity, it is the presence of

abundance.”– Devashish Marina

“When the night is cloudy, there is still a light that shines on me.”–

《The song ‘Let It Be’》

“I don’t just speak abundance over you, I speak abundance mentality,

because I’m prone to say you already have the abundance.”

“I don’t believe that everything happens for a reason. I think all

things happen for a reason.”

Chapters & Topics

1. Introduction and Feedback

The speaker welcomes the audience to Metron Live and appreciates the

feedback received from the series started last week. The speaker also

mentions conducting a couple of 1111s this week and receiving positive


Welcome to Metron Live from the Atlanta theater.

Appreciation for feedback from the series started last week.

Positive feedback from conducting a couple of 1111s this week.

2. Seizing Life

The speaker emphasizes the importance of making the most of life and

believes that everything needed is already inside oneself. Meditation can help

find answers within, which is considered the God within.

Importance of making the most of life.

Everything needed is already inside oneself.

Meditation helps find answers within.

3. Handling Accessibility

The speaker discusses the challenges and changes in being accessible in

ministry, noting that it is easier now with texting and social media. The speaker

shares anecdotes about the past when accessibility was more challenging.

Challenges and changes in being accessible in ministry.

Easier now with texting and social media.

Anecdotes about past challenges with accessibility.

4. Calmness and Patience

The speaker advises staying calm and patient in difficult situations, sharing a

personal anecdote about a frustrating experience at a doctor’s office.

Advice to stay calm and patient in difficult situations.

Personal anecdote about a frustrating experience at a doctor’s office.

5. Abundance

The speaker introduces the concept of abundance, stating that it is something

to tune into rather than acquire. The speaker references Wayne Dyer and

discusses a passage from Mark about Jesus feeding the multitude.

Abundance is something to tune into, not acquire.

Reference to Wayne Dyer’s quote on abundance.

Discussion of a passage from Mark about Jesus feeding the multitude.

6. Practical Solutions

The speaker emphasizes the importance of looking at what one has to work

with when facing overwhelming situations. The speaker shares personal

anecdotes and biblical references to illustrate this point.

Importance of looking at what one has to work with.

Personal anecdotes and biblical references to illustrate the point.

7. Performance Challenges

The speaker shares anecdotes about the challenges faced during

performances and the importance of having the right equipment and support.

The speaker emphasizes the need for proper administrative development and

support teams.

Challenges faced during performances.

Importance of having the right equipment and support.

Need for proper administrative development and support teams.

8. Awareness and Helping Others

The speaker emphasizes the importance of being aware of others’ efforts and

helping them when needed, drawing from personal experiences in the industry.

The speaker often leaves conversations to help Michelle down the stairs.

Awareness of others’ efforts is crucial, especially if one has been on the other

side of the industry.

9. Ministry and Building Management

The speaker reflects on the complexities of managing a large building and the

relief of not having to deal with such responsibilities anymore.

Managing a large building involves numerous tasks like locking doors and

handling late meetings.

The speaker prefers smaller, more manageable spaces.

10. Miracle of Feeding the 5,000

The speaker recounts the biblical story of Jesus feeding 5,000 people with five

loaves and two fish, emphasizing the miraculous nature of the event.

– Jesus instructed people to sit in groups and then multiplied the loaves and fish.

– Everyone ate and was satisfied, and 12 baskets of leftovers were collected.

11. Provision and Expertise

The speaker discusses the idea that what one needs is often already within their

area of expertise, using the example of finding money in a fish’s mouth.

– The story of Jesus telling fishermen to find money in a fish’s mouth symbolizes

that provision is often within one’s expertise.

– The speaker shares personal experiences of receiving unexpected financial gifts

just in time to cover unforeseen expenses.

12. Movie Reference: Manchester by the Sea

The speaker uses the movie ‘Manchester by the Sea’ to illustrate the idea of using

what one already has to solve problems.

– The movie features a character who realizes he can sell his deceased father’s

guns to buy an engine for his boat.

– This realization changes the dynamic between the characters.

13. Homelessness and Desperation

The speaker reflects on the desperation of homeless people and the creative ways

they use what they have to survive.

– The speaker encounters aggressive homeless people and reflects on their


– A homeless person used humor on a sign to get money from the speaker.

14. Finding Hidden Resources

The speaker encourages looking for hidden resources and assets that one might

not be aware of, using examples like unclaimed money and life insurance policies.

– Websites can help find unclaimed money in escrow accounts and rebates.

– Life insurance policies can be sold for immediate financial relief.

15. Biblical Lessons on Provision

The speaker discusses the biblical lesson of always having enough and the

importance of recognizing and utilizing available resources.

– Jesus asked his disciples to find out how much food they had, emphasizing the

importance of knowing one’s resources.

– The Greek and Hebrew texts often use present tense, indicating ongoing


16. Oprah Winfrey’s Success Story

The speaker shares Oprah Winfrey’s story to illustrate the power of recognizing and

utilizing one’s talents and resources.

– Oprah’s success began with a teacher’s compliment that gave her confidence.

– Despite numerous challenges, Oprah focused on her strengths and achieved

great success.

17. Counting Blessings

The speaker emphasizes the importance of regularly counting one’s blessings to

maintain a positive outlook and recognize available resources.

– Counting blessings is a practical exercise to avoid forgetting them.

– The psalmist advises not to forget God’s benefits.

18. Gratitude in Relationships

The speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on the positive aspects of

one’s partner in a relationship. By remembering what they have done, one can

foster a sense of gratitude and improve the relationship.

– Focus on what your partner has done rather than what they haven’t.

– Living with someone for more than six months requires mutual effort.

– Relationships should be mutual, not co-dependent.

19. Abundance Mindset

The speaker discusses the concept of abundance, highlighting that it is not the

absence of scarcity but the presence of abundance. This mindset can be applied to

various aspects of life, including community and personal well-being.

– Abundance is not the absence of scarcity; it is the presence of abundance.

– Focus on what you have rather than what you lack.

– Community and mutual support are essential for a sense of abundance.

20. Gratitude and Mental Health

Gratitude can significantly improve one’s mental state, especially when dealing with

minor funks. The speaker acknowledges that clinical depression is real but suggests

that gratitude can help in less severe cases.

– Gratitude can help improve mental well-being.

– Clinical depression is real and may require medication.

– Gratitude can help in overcoming minor funks.

21. Positive Thinking and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

The speaker explains how positive thinking can lead to positive outcomes through

self-fulfilling prophecies. By focusing on positive thoughts and outcomes, one can

attract good things into their life.

– Positive thinking can lead to positive outcomes.

– People often get caught in a cycle of self-fulfilling prophecies.

– Focusing on positive thoughts can attract good things.

22. Creating Your Reality

The speaker discusses the importance of creating one’s reality by focusing on what

one has and making the best of it. This involves cropping out negative aspects and

focusing on the positive.

– Focus on what you have and make the best of it.

– Crop out negative aspects and focus on the positive.

– Creating your reality is not lying; it’s focusing on the positive.

23. Debit Card Issues and App Management

The speaker discussed issues related to a lost debit card and the subsequent

process of managing and purging unnecessary apps. The speaker found a silver

lining in the situation by using it as an opportunity to clean up their app


– Lost debit card and the process of getting a new one.

– Realization of unnecessary app subscriptions.

– Opportunity to purge and manage app subscriptions.

24. Financial Donations to Vetron

The speaker provided information on how to donate to Vetron, emphasizing the

ease of the process and the impact of contributions.

– Donations can be made via smartphone by texting 404-620-5044.

– Donations also support the charity or organization of the month.

25. Abundance Mentality and Blessings

The speaker encouraged adopting an abundance mentality and spoke blessings

over the audience’s lives, marriages, and daily activities.

– Encouragement to adopt an abundance mentality.

– Blessings for marriages and daily activities.

26. Understanding Life Events

The speaker reflected on the idea that everything happens for a reason, suggesting

that life events are part of a larger plan.

– Reflection on life events and their reasons.