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Metron Live

METRON LIVE 7-7-24: ‘Peace’

July 09, 2024


+Youtube – BishInTheNow

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Notes translated by AI

This talk covers hearing from God, evangelical

messages, dealing with anxiety, decision making,

empathy, and social issues in a spiritual context.

Date & Time: 2024-07-07 11:40:57

Location: Metron at Atlanta Theater


spirituality anxiety decision making

Key Learnings

1. Hearing from God: The concept of hearing from God,

specifically through the Holy Spirit, and the importance of

discerning whether the voice is internal or external.

2. Evangelical Signs and Messages: The speaker discusses

various evangelical signs and messages encountered during

travels, and their impact.

3. Dealing with Anxiety and Being Present: The speaker

discusses the importance of being present and dealing with

anxiety, especially in the context of caring for a loved one.

4. Personal Experience in Pastoral Counseling: The importance

of sharing personal experiences in pastoral counseling and how

it can help others.

5. Decision Making and Responsibility: The process of making

difficult decisions and the responsibility that comes with it.

6. Coping with Anxiety and Stress: Strategies for coping with

anxiety and stress, especially when dealing with


7. Human Experience and Empathy: The importance of

acknowledging and respecting the human experience and

showing empathy.

8. Dealing with Anxiety: Discussion on how anxiety is

omnipresent and how it affects individuals.

9. Eckhart Tolle’s Philosophy: Discussion on Eckhart Tolle’s

philosophy of not resisting any state of mind.

10. Conflict in the Christian Church at Rome: Discussion on the

conflict in the Christian church at Rome regarding meat offered

to idols.

11. Christian Nationalism and Modern Issues: Discussion on

Christian nationalism, its historical context, and its impact on

modern issues.

12. Moses and Abortion: Discussion on Moses’ perspective on

abortion as depicted in the Bible, specifically in the book of


13. Embryo Freezing and Fertility Drugs: Discussion on the

implications of embryo freezing and the use of fertility drugs.

14. Democracy and Individual Rights: Discussion on

democracy, individual rights, and the importance of respecting

others’ beliefs and identities.

15. Religious Beliefs and Social Issues: Discussion on how

religious beliefs influence opinions on social issues like

same-sex rights and abortion.

16. Conflict Resolution and Peace: Discussion on the

importance of resolving conflicts and maintaining peace.

17. Kingdom of God and Social Issues: Discussion on the

concept of the Kingdom of God and its relation to social issues.

18. Personal Peace and Well-being: Discussion on the

importance of personal peace and well-being.


1. Hearing from God

Key Points

The speaker refers to the Holy Spirit as the voice of God.

It’s important to discern whether the voice is internal or


The speaker has learned to switch gears between internal and

external voices.


The speaker emphasizes the importance of getting quiet to

hear the Spirit. If the Spirit doesn’t speak internally, it might be

an external confirmation. Over time, the speaker has learned to

discern and switch between these sources.

Example of God’s Way Baptist Church

The speaker saw a sign for ‘God’s Way Baptist Church’ and

humorously noted that it claimed to have the definitive way to


1. The speaker uses this example to illustrate the idea that

different people and institutions claim to have the ‘right’ way to


2. It highlights the importance of personal discernment in

spiritual matters.

Example of Traveling and Recognizing Markers

The speaker describes a trip from Belmont City to Panama

City, noting familiar markers along the way.

1. This example is used to illustrate the idea of recognizing

familiar signs and markers in one’s spiritual journey.

2. It emphasizes the importance of experience and familiarity in

discerning spiritual guidance.

2. Evangelical Signs and Messages

Key Points

Evangelical signs often focus on warnings and destruction.

Some signs are more positive, like ‘Know Jesus, Know Peace’.

The choice of scripture on signs can be unusual or unexpected.


The speaker reflects on the different types of evangelical

signs seen during travels. While some are focused on negative

messages, others are more positive. The speaker also notes the

unusual choice of scripture in some signs, which can be


Prophet Love and His Sign

A man named Prophet Love held a sign stating ‘97% of guitar

tricks go into hell’.

1. The speaker criticizes the negative and fear-based message

of the sign.

2. The speaker suggests that more practical help, like buying a

hamburger for a homeless person, would be more impactful.

Sweet Old Man with a Positive Sign

An old man held a sign saying ‘Know Jesus, Know Peace’ with

a scripture from 2 Thessalonians 3:16.

1. The speaker appreciates the positive and encouraging

message of the sign.

2. The choice of scripture, while unusual, is seen as a pleasant


3. Dealing with Anxiety and Being Present

Key Points

Being present and in the moment is crucial.

Caring for a loved one can be a source of anxiety.

Overreacting to minor complaints can be a sign of underlying



The speaker shares personal experiences of dealing with

anxiety while caring for their mother in assisted living. The

importance of being present and not overreacting to minor

issues is emphasized. The speaker also reflects on the cultural

background of receiving correction rather than affirmation.

Hug from a Med Tech

A med tech named Chasten hugged the speaker without

saying anything.

1. The hug was a gesture of support and understanding.

2. It highlights the emotional challenges of caring for a loved

one and the importance of empathy.

4. Personal Experience in Pastoral Counseling

Key Points

Sharing personal experiences can create a connection with


It is important to be honest about one’s own struggles and how

they are being dealt with.

Using personal stories can inspire and help others.


The teacher emphasizes the importance of sharing personal

experiences in pastoral counseling. By being honest about their

own struggles and how they deal with them, they can create a

connection with others and inspire them.

Teacher’s Personal Experience

The teacher shares their own experience of dealing with

complaints and making decisions about their mother’s care.

1. The teacher overreacted to a couple of complaints and made

a suggestion to their mother without proper research.

2. Upon realizing the mistake, the teacher had to explain the

situation to their mother and make a decision about her care.

3. The teacher reflects on the importance of committing to

decisions and not second-guessing them.

5. Decision Making and Responsibility

Key Points

Making decisions involves considering all aspects and

potential consequences.

Responsibility includes planning and thinking ahead.

It is important to balance practical considerations with

emotional attachments.


The teacher discusses the process of making difficult

decisions, such as selling a house and managing belongings.

They highlight the importance of planning and thinking ahead,

as well as balancing practical considerations with emotional


Selling the House

The teacher contemplates selling their house and the

challenges that come with it, such as managing belongings and

emotional attachments.

1. The teacher considers the financial implications of selling the


2. They think about where to store belongings, including a piano

that has sentimental value.

3. The teacher reflects on the emotional difficulty of making

such decisions.

6. Coping with Anxiety and Stress

Key Points

It is important to acknowledge and accept one’s current state.

Forgiving oneself for not being at peace can help reduce inner


Finding peace involves accepting non-peace and surrendering

to the present moment.


The teacher shares strategies for coping with anxiety and

stress, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and

accepting one’s current state. They discuss how forgiving

oneself for not being at peace can reduce inner conflict and

how finding peace involves accepting non-peace and

surrendering to the present moment.

Eckhart Tolle’s Quote

The teacher finds solace in a quote by Eckhart Tolle that

advises not to look for peace but to accept the current state.

1. The quote suggests that looking for peace can create inner


2. Accepting the current state can transmute non-peace into


3. The teacher reflects on how this advice helped them relax

and enjoy their time.

7. Human Experience and Empathy

Key Points

Acknowledging the human experience involves understanding

and respecting others’ feelings and situations.

Empathy is crucial in providing support and comfort to others.

Dehumanizing responses can be harmful and unhelpful.


The teacher emphasizes the importance of acknowledging

and respecting the human experience and showing empathy.

They discuss how understanding and respecting others’

feelings and situations is crucial in providing support and

comfort, and how dehumanizing responses can be harmful and


Jesus’ Human Response

The teacher references Jesus’ human response to Lazarus’

death as an example of empathy and acknowledging the human


1. Jesus wept before raising Lazarus from the dead, showing a

human response to grief.

2. This example highlights the importance of empathy and

understanding others’ feelings.

3. The teacher contrasts this with modern church practices that

often dehumanize the human experience.

8. Dealing with Anxiety

Key Points

Anxiety is omnipresent and follows you everywhere.

People often try to escape their problems by leaving town or

avoiding them.

Simple reassurances from others often do not help.


The teacher explains that anxiety is a constant presence in

one’s life, and it cannot be easily escaped. Simple reassurances

from others often do not help because they do not understand

the depth of the individual’s struggles.

Personal Experience with Anxiety

The teacher shares a personal experience of trying to stop

thinking about certain issues and the struggle to manage

financial concerns.

1. The teacher tried to avoid thinking about certain issues but

found it difficult.

2. Financial concerns added to the anxiety, leading to a feeling

of helplessness.

3. The teacher sought temporary relief through distractions.

9. Eckhart Tolle’s Philosophy

Key Points

Surrendering to non-peace can bring peace.

Resisting negative states can make them persist.


The teacher discusses Eckhart Tolle’s philosophy that

surrendering to non-peace can bring peace. Resisting negative

states can make them persist, as seen in the example of

churches constantly resisting the devil.

Churches Resisting the Devil

Churches that constantly resist the devil end up focusing on

him more, which makes the devil persist in their minds.

1. Churches focus on resisting the devil.

2. This constant focus makes the devil persist in their minds.

3. The teacher suggests that not resisting might bring more


10. Conflict in the Christian Church at Rome

Key Points

Two factions existed: one that accepted meat offered to idols

and one that did not.

Both factions had valid points based on their beliefs.


The teacher explains the conflict in the Christian church at

Rome, where one faction accepted meat offered to idols

because it was of high quality and affordable, while the other

faction refused it on religious grounds.

Meat Offered to Idols

One faction in the Christian church at Rome accepted meat

offered to idols because it was of high quality and affordable.

The other faction refused it on religious grounds.

1. The first faction saw it as a practical choice for quality meat.

2. The second faction saw it as a violation of their religious


3. Both perspectives were valid within their own contexts.

11. Christian Nationalism and Modern Issues

Key Points

Christian nationalists call for a second American revolution.

They focus on issues like gay rights and abortion.

There is a historical context to their beliefs, including Manifest

Destiny and reactions to social changes.


The teacher discusses the rise of Christian nationalism, its

historical roots in Manifest Destiny, and its focus on issues like

gay rights and abortion. The teacher also highlights the

historical context of certain symbols and phrases in American


Project 25 and Christian Nationalism

Christian nationalists are calling for a second American

revolution, focusing on issues like gay rights and abortion. They

believe these issues signify the end times.

1. Christian nationalists see gay rights and abortion as signs of

moral decay.

2. They believe these issues signify the end times.

3. Their beliefs are rooted in a specific interpretation of


Historical Context of Symbols

The teacher explains the historical context of symbols like the

Confederate flag and phrases like ‘In God We Trust.’

1. The Confederate flag was added to the Georgia flag in the

1950s as a reaction to desegregation.

2. Phrases like ‘In God We Trust’ were added during times of

social change.

3. These symbols and phrases have historical contexts that are

often overlooked.

12. Moses and Abortion

Key Points

Moses had a specific law regarding suspected infidelity and


A woman suspected of carrying another man’s child was given

a drink in front of the elders.

If she miscarried, it was seen as a sign from God that the child

was not her husband’s.

If she did not miscarry, the child was considered her husband’s.


The law of Moses did not consider life to begin at conception.

Instead, it treated a fetus as a fetus, and the outcome of the

drink test determined the legitimacy of the child.

Biblical Example from Numbers

A woman suspected of infidelity was given a drink in front of

the elders. If she miscarried, it was a sign from God that the

child was not her husband’s.

1. The woman drinks the concoction in front of the elders.

2. If she miscarries, it is seen as divine intervention indicating


3. If she does not miscarry, the child is considered legitimate.

13. Embryo Freezing and Fertility Drugs

Key Points

Embryos can be frozen and implanted years later.

Fertility drugs can result in multiple births, sometimes referred

to as a ‘litter’.


The discussion raises questions about the nature of life and

conception, especially in cases where embryos are frozen for

years or when fertility drugs result in multiple births.

Case of Frozen Embryos

Embryos that were frozen for 8 years were implanted and

resulted in children who are now 10 years old.

1. Embryos were frozen for 8 years.

2. They were implanted and resulted in successful births.

3. The children are now 10 years old, but technically they are

18 years old.

Case of Multiple Births from Fertility Drugs

A woman took fertility drugs and had 8 babies, which was

documented in a reality show ‘Kate Plus Eight’.

1. The woman took fertility drugs.

2. She gave birth to 8 babies.

3. The event was documented in a reality show.

14. Democracy and Individual Rights

Key Points

Democracy involves respecting everyone’s right to life, liberty,

and the pursuit of happiness.

People have the right to identify with their chosen pronouns.

Respecting others’ beliefs and identities is crucial in a

democratic society.


The discussion emphasizes the importance of respecting

individual rights and beliefs in a democracy, even if one does

not personally understand or agree with them.

15. Religious Beliefs and Social Issues

Key Points

People’s religious beliefs strongly influence their opinions on

social issues.

Arguments based on religious beliefs often do not change

others’ opinions.

Respecting differing beliefs is important for social harmony.


The discussion highlights that religious beliefs are deeply

personal and often unchangeable through argument. It stresses

the importance of respecting differing beliefs to maintain social


Facebook Example

Friends on Facebook post about their religious beliefs, which

can be offensive to others.

1. People post their religious beliefs on social media.

2. These posts can be offensive to friends with different beliefs.

3. Respecting others’ beliefs is important to avoid conflict.

16. Conflict Resolution and Peace

Key Points

Stop arguing with others about their beliefs.

Choose battles wisely and save energy for important issues.

Unfriending or blocking someone on social media can be a way

to maintain peace.


The discussion advises against engaging in arguments over

differing beliefs and emphasizes the importance of choosing

battles wisely. It suggests that maintaining peace sometimes

involves unfriending or blocking people on social media.

Personal Example of Conflict Resolution

The speaker shares a personal experience of telling someone

to stop calling Democrats ‘baby killers’ or they would remove

Fox News from their package.

1. The speaker confronted someone who repeatedly called

Democrats ‘baby killers’.

2. They threatened to remove Fox News from the person’s

package if they continued.

3. The person stopped making the offensive comments.

17. Kingdom of God and Social Issues

Key Points

The Kingdom of God is about righteousness, peace, and joy.

Arguing about social issues does not bring the Kingdom of God.

Jesus did not engage in political discussions.


The discussion emphasizes that the Kingdom of God focuses

on righteousness, peace, and joy, rather than social or political

issues. It notes that Jesus did not engage in political

discussions, suggesting that Christians should focus on spiritual


Biblical Example of Jesus and Politics

Jesus was asked if taxes should be paid to Caesar. He

responded by saying, ‘Whose image is on it? Caesar’s? My

kingdom is not of this world.’

1. Jesus was asked about paying taxes to Caesar.

2. He pointed out that the coin bore Caesar’s image.

3. He stated that his kingdom is not of this world, avoiding

political entanglement.

18. Personal Peace and Well-being

Key Points

Identify and address sources of anxiety.

Focus on personal peace and well-being.

Trust that everything will work out in the end.


The discussion encourages individuals to identify sources of

anxiety and focus on personal peace and well-being. It

reassures that everything will eventually work out.
