Metal Moment Podcast - English & Japanese Bilingual Show / Interviews / Guitar Talk / Beer / メタル / ビ

Metal Moment Podcast - English & Japanese Bilingual Show / Interviews / Guitar Talk / Beer / メタル / ビ

Latest Episodes

Back East Brewery Misty Mountain IPA – Metal Moment Podcast 138
August 27, 2018

Is my show a little rusty? You guessed it, so today I spin some tunes and play a “Beer Of The Moment” sent to me by Chris from the EastCoast.

Home Sweet Home – Bilingual Talks 001
August 21, 2018

こんにちわ、Hello。 バイリンガルTALKSでは日本語と英語で ZATSUDAN 会話をしていきます。 日野原千明は日本語で、Chiaki Hinoharaは英語でバイリンガル会話形式でコメントしていきます。 Had some time in Tokyo Japan so I recorded this short clip in front of my Grandmother’s piano. Bilingual Style Vlog in Japanese &

Alpha Acid Good Ol’ Haze NE DIPA – Metal Moment Podcast 137
July 30, 2018

Free Balling Style. I think this is what Podcasting is all about. Or that is what my Best Friend in the World told me. I miss Breaking Bad. Featured Tracks:

SFO to LAX to Narita Tokyo Japan – Metal Moment Podcast 136
July 24, 2018

Last minute trip to Tokyo, and some World Cup talk. George Lynch’s new band? All under the influence of the Jet Lag and the beer n’ wine. I spin some

Don’t get kicked out of iTunes. How to Secure your RSS Feed – Metal Moment Podcast 135
June 25, 2018

Apple recently sent out emails to podcasters, letting them know that podcast RSS feeds will need to be secure (SSL certificate) in the near future.  What does this mean to

BABYMETAL Distortion – Metal Moment Podcast 134
May 11, 2018

Today I talk about the new BabyMetal single “Distortion” that was just released as well as the death of their guitarist “Mike Fujioka a.k.a Ko-Gami”. The rest of the show

BABYMETAL Distortion – Metal Moment Podcast 134
May 11, 2018

Today I talk about the new BabyMetal single “Distortion” that was just released as well as the death of their guitarist “Mike Fujioka a.k.a Ko-Gami”. The rest of the show

Jake E. Lee is not Joining RATT – Metal Moment Podcast 133
April 16, 2018

Warren DeMartini may have been fired from RATT, but Jake E. Lee is not joining RATT. Jake using the Prescription Electronics Experience Pedal on the new Red Dragon Cartel album.

Jake E. Lee is not Joining RATT – Metal Moment Podcast 133
April 16, 2018

Warren DeMartini may have been fired from RATT, but Jake E. Lee is not joining RATT. Jake using the Prescription Electronics Experience Pedal on the new Red Dragon Cartel album.

Ten Years Ago This Month – Metal Moment Podcast 132
March 14, 2018

It’s been 10 years since I started podcasting. Reminiscing the first MMP show ever. I spin some tunes and talk about a special episode coming later this month. Featured Tracks: