Messianic Apologetics

Messianic Apologetics

Latest Episodes

Biblically Kosher? Rabbinic Kosher?
November 30, 2023

There is little doubting that within the broad Messianic community, there can be huge debates over the application of the Torahs dietary laws. Most frequently, as has been our familys experience, th

What Are People Saying About the End-Times? – Messianic Insider
November 29, 2023

John McKee reflects on a recent small discussion group encounter, which inevitably led to a study of Matthew 24:1-15 and the end-times.

Rabbi, Title – FAQ
November 28, 2023

Why are there so many leaders in the Messianic movement who call themselves “rabbi”? Yeshua explicitly forbade this in Matthew 23:8.

Our Weekly Shabbat
November 24, 2023

What makes the Sabbath unique, is that unlike the annual appointed times, Shabbat is something that takes place every week. Like many who grew up in evangelical Protestant homes, we had not thought to

Happy Thanksgiving! – McKee Moment Shorts
November 23, 2023

23 November, 2023