Meriah Nichols Talks About Disability

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Resources to Explain Death and Grief to Person with Down Syndrome or Intellectual Disability
This is an article with resources to explain grief and loss to anyone with an intellectual or developmental disability, but focuses on explaining grief to people with Down syndrome. It has been updated from the original, published in June 2020.
Updated: The Disability Pride Flag
the disability pride flag: what it represents, who it's for
Pride is a Protest: The Radical Act of Cultivating Disability Pride
This is about developing disability pride and disability pride being a protest. This was originally published in July, 2022, updated in July 2024. You can listen to me read it by clicking the player below, or subscribing to my podcast on Spotify or iTunes
The Best Speech to Text Apps for Live Captions & Recording
This post is about the best speech to text apps and is updated from a 2020 post. Affiliate links may be present - doesn't cost you more, helps keep this blog going and does not affect my rating of the product (- I use captions too; I'm not going to recomm
Love Grows Courage
This was originally published on September 7, 2012. It's a personal post on strength, love and courage.You can listen to me read this post by clicking the player below, or on my podcast on Spotify or iTunes. Maya Angelou once said that cou
Choosing Moxie
This was originally published on March 6, 2013 It is an account of the time that I was pregnant with Moxie. Please be aware this post discusses violence, sexual abuse and abortion.You can listen to me read this post by clicking the player below, or on
Almost 50, Part 2
This is a personal post that wraps up the first part, Almost 50Listen to me read this by clicking the player below: Almost 50, Part 2: DetailsYou know what bothers me about the post I just sent your way, Almost 50? It bothers me that
Almost 50
I wanted this to be a personal post likehauoli makahiki hou - a year sum up - but in the end, the time to write it was as elusive as mercury. And so. This is mostly about time. Click the player below to listen to me read this. Time speeds
Daisy Woodworm Changes the World: A Book Review
This is Micah Nichols' inaugural blog post, an interview with author Melissa Hart on her book, "Daisy Wormwood Changes the World."You can listen to this interview via the "Unpacking Disability with Meriah Nichols" podcast, below, or on Spotify or Appl
Year of the Tiger, by Alice Wong: A Review
This is a review of the book, "Year of the Tiger: An Activist's Life," by Alice Wong. You can listen to me read this post by clicking the player below this, or on my podcast on Spotify or iTunes. Year of the Tiger: An Activist's LifeSometimes