Mental Health Comedy

Mental Health Comedy

Ron James - All Over The Map

September 23, 2021

Ron James has been all over the map on every level and that is also the title of his new book. In it, he talks about his childhood and the many conversations, and life lessons he’s experienced with people while performing on the road for years as a comic. He seems to be a Stand-Up who’s a stand up guy. In this conversation, what stood out was his honesty and perspective. He talks about losing a 23 year marriage, and takes reponsibility for the mistake he made. He’s been a fixture in Canada for many years, started out at Second City! We also talk about the difference bewteen Canada and The U.S. and where the politeness comes from historically. There’s also a spiritual and philosophical current that runs through the way he speaks. Jennifer also talks about the difference between survival and living, how to make a shift in the moment. How to move through comparing yourself to other people. Join us and let the good times roll or at least bounce. Find more about Ron, his book and tour dates here:, and more about Jennifer and her amazing work here and pls subscribe and share when able, and write a review if you like us, you really like us, like Sally Field in her Places In The Heart acceptance speech from 42 years ago. connect: