Mental Health Comedy

Mental Health Comedy

Eddie Pepitone - Not To Brag

September 13, 2021

In this episode, we have a great conversation with comedian and actor Eddie Pepitone. We talk about what goes on in our heads and the conscious choices we make throughout a day. And rest assured, there’s panic, insanity and trauma right under the surface. I sound like Eckhart Tolle’s great grandson, if he had never read any of his books. What I love and admire about Eddie is his great mix of mental and spiritual awareness, corporate greed and old school Sicilan rage. Jennifer and I also talk about the connection between feeling lack and a sense of having enough. I am trying to improve on not wring 42 pages of notes for each episode. How am I doing? Find Eddie here and on and all of Jennifer’s amazing work here subscribe and share if able and join us next week when we bring it, and try to figure out where to put it.
