Mental Health Comedy

Mental Health Comedy

Alonzo Bodden - Never Argue with a racist over 40!

July 15, 2021

Alonzo is a regular on Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me and he has a new daily talk show from 4-7 on KBLA radio In this epsiode we talk about mental health in the Black Community, and the stress that shoots through your head when a police car is behind you, no matter who you are or what you’re doing. We talk about addiction, the feelings that you try to stop with drugs or alcohol, 33 years of sobriety, how sponsorship and mentorship are different, growing up and being bused to predominantly white schools and his philosophy to never argue with a racist over 40. Alonzo doesn’t seem to be a guy who worries about trying to control everything. Unlike me, for example. Jennifer and I also talk about how to take care of panic over issues like losing your keys or your phone, credit cards, idenity theft etc. This is about how to talk to feelings like fear and panic. To ask questions like “Is this dangerous? Sure, it’s a pain is the ass, but is it dangerous? Or is it fixable? It seems like you need to have the skills of a CIA operative to deal with internet scams, identity fraud and the fight or flight feeling these things can create. Jennifer tries to think about how horrific the lives are of the people who try to scam others all day. I’m giving away my identity because I’m ready for a new one. I’ve been in the actors witness protection program for years. It’s a good show and would love to have you join us. Write us about something you’d like to change, or an issue you’re having or something that’s working for you. Write to, find all of Alonzo’s work here at and all of Jennifer’s work here at subscribe and socialize, share, if you like pls write a review and find us on our new network here: And remember July is national take your insecurity to work month. The summer of love and confusing mask wearing rolls on!