Mental Mastery

Mental Mastery

Latest Episodes

Opportunities to Win
February 10, 2020

Let's discuss the "Opportunity to win" What does that mean? Naturally, we seek out the vision of the road ah...

January 27, 2020

What exactly is an energy person? You think in terms of basketball there's always that one guy or girl that is flying around the court ...

January 22, 2020

We each have a choice every single day of our lives. This week I want you to really focus on taking advantage of the times that we get ...

The Mountain and The Lion
January 12, 2020

Mountains are hard. They are meant to be climbed but they are hard. A mountain, to you may be just that. A literal, physical mountain. ...

Start the Right Way
January 06, 2020

Here is a little "life hack", as kids these days call it, for you! Starting your day the right way is very i...

New Year, New You
December 30, 2019

New Year's Day. It is an amazing time of excitement and anticipation with a dash of reflection. Every year i...

Be Obsessive
December 23, 2019

I want you to be obsessive. To do that let's really look at what it means. By definition obsesses a verb whi...

December 16, 2019

How many times have you done something with the best of intentions only for it to blow up in your face? I mean I truly believe that mos...

Cheat Codes
December 09, 2019

Do you know those days where everything seems to go right? You know the ones I'm talking about. The ones we're almost seems like you ha...

Shutup Stupid
December 02, 2019

Did you know that scientists estimate we have between 50 and 70,000 thoughts per day. That is a form of self talk. Obviously we don't r...
