Mental Mastery

Mental Mastery

Latest Episodes

Connecting the Dots - Preparation
September 16, 2020

By definition, it is the action or process of making ready or being made ready for use or consideration.   By being prepared for as many possible outcomes the world can offer, when life takes an unexpected turn, you will be ready to handle the...

Connecting the Dots - Confidence
September 16, 2020

No one is born without it, however, different life circumstances and challenges cause us to question it and “misplace” it. I would like to repeat, we are all born with it. We never lose it. We just misplace it. It is always there but needs to be...

Lessons Learned from a Father
September 16, 2020

Where to start with the thoughts of my dad and the lessons that I learned from him. We all have a parent or role model in our life that left a lasting impact that we may not have realized in the moment or even within the recent times of those impacts....

September 16, 2020

Visualizing is the key to your success!

Stres Allocation
September 15, 2020

What I've noticed a lot these past couple weeks is people stress has been reallocated. A very wise, wise friend of mine, Adrian, told me one time when I was kind of stressing about some stuff. When I was starting a failing business or a business ended...

September 14, 2020

Right now we're gonna talk about feedback and you say, I wrote on the board in big, bold letters behind me and, you know, this came about from a conversation yesterday. The Kendall. Now we're having. And I realized that feedback is very, very...

Goals Equal Control - Full Audio from Keynote Talk
August 08, 2020

So how does a goal give us control? Well I never thought you’d ask. To start….Let’s break down just how to set and execute the goal.  3 types of goals that you MUST set to be successful.  Outcome goals, performance goals and process...

March 24, 2020

Adversity seems to be something we are up against daily. We were born for adversity. Hell you were born into adversity if you really th...

Losing is Good for the Soul
February 24, 2020

"When I lose, that's what pisses me off" Prescott said. "That what makes me go, that's what keeps me going....

Find new Fuel!
February 17, 2020

Fuel sources are all around us. Let's find them and use them to burn hotter!...
