Mental Health In Minnesota

Mental Health In Minnesota

Resistance In Color, Part 9: “Existence is Resistance” (Said Shaiye)

July 27, 2021

Said Shaiye is a Somali writer. In his words, “Resistance is living”. The conversation digs into the journey that is life seeking to find peace in acknowledging trauma and extending yourself forgiveness. As a resistance tool, Said explains how writing allowed reflection, keeping an account of different parts and a place to go to be with himself. He shares the importance of finding your voice both metaphorically and literally as a journey of finding home. His debut book, Are You Borg Now?, was recently released by Really Serious Literature. It's an experimental combination of poetry, self-interview, memoir, photography & Star Trek: Voyager tribute. Find more of his work and engage with him on his website

This episode was recorded on 6/30/2021.

“Mental Health In Minnesota” is produced by NAMI Minnesota. Visit us online at

All music used in this episode came from the song “The Way” produced by MIKE LEITE and made available via a Creative Commons license.

Loops were created from various sections of “The Way.”  Find the full song by MIKE LEITE via the following links:

“The Way” song page on SoundCloud:

Mike Leite’s additional music on SoundCloud:

Mike Leite’s YouTube Channel:

Creative Commons license info: