Memorial Baytown
Latest Episodes
IMB Missionary Derek Tucker
Enjoy this episode as we hear from Derek (and drink some great coffee)!
Maundy Thursday
Preparations for the Passover, The Lord's Supper, Prayer in the Garden. References: MacArthur, J. (2012). One perfect life. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.
Holy Wednesday
Judas' plot to betray Jesus Reference: MacArthur, J. (2012). One perfect life. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson
Holy Tuesday
Jesus teaches in the temple. References: MacArthur, J. (2012). One perfect life. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson. Holman Christian Standard Bible. Luke 20.
Holy Monday
Reference: MacArthur, J. (2012). One perfect life. Dallas, TX: Thomas Nelson.
Palm Sunday
Reference: MacArthur, J. (2012). One perfect life. Dallas, TX: Thomas Nelson.
Introduction to Passion Week Daily Readings
Shared passages covering the happenings of the Passion of the Christ. Reference: MacAuthur, J. (2012). One perfect life. Dallas, TX: Thomas Nelson.