Podcasts | Susie Meister

Podcasts | Susie Meister

Bruce Baum: Comedian and Author of Letters From a Nut

October 29, 2014

I love the Letters From a Nut book series. These books compile bizarre and hilarious letters that Bruce Baum and his writing partner at the time, Barry Marder, sent to businesses (and their responses).  They were authored under the pen name Ted L. Nancy.  Jerry Seinfeld wrote the forewards to these books, and now there is some controversy about who the true author(s) are. Bruce claims he is one of the two authors while Marder (with Seinfeld by his side) has taken sole credit.  He is working on a documentary about this controversy and a pilot for a show called Clear My Name dealing with people who feel they’ve been denied credit for their work or were unfairly besmirched.  Check out the video below to see him tell his side of the story and listen to my podcast interview beneath that for more.  Also, visit Bruce’s website for tour dates and more.