Executives at the Edge

Executives at the Edge

Telecom DNA: Integrating Automation

June 06, 2024

AT&T’s Head of International Infrastructure and Technology, Bertrand Buclin, explores automation’s transformative impact on telecom, emphasizing its integration into core business processes and identifying challenges and opportunities, like delivering on-demand services and adapting infrastructure. Is automation the key to encoding the future of telecom services? 

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In this Executives at the Edge episode, host Pascal Menezes explores these topics and more with Bertrand Buclin of AT&T:

  • How is automation reshaping the telecom industry? 

  • What challenges does the telecom industry face in adapting infrastructure to meet the demands of automation? 

  • What essential features of an automated ecosystem provide flexibility and scalability?  

  • How can automation augment and empower human workers rather than replace them?  

  • What role does automation play in enabling service providers to deliver on-demand, customized services, and experiences?

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About Our Guest

Bertrand Buclin, Head of International Infrastructure and Technology, AT&T

Bertrand has been with AT&T for 27 years, and held a variety of positions, in AT&T Labs Research; as head of international engineering in the outsourcing arm of AT&T; as head of pricing and contracting and pre-sales solutioning; as assistant vice-president for access strategy and planning, worldwide; and most recently as head of technology management for AT&T’s international division. He is managing the development and deployment of AT&T’s international capabilities, spanning the access acquisition, system development and network presence, and is aligning it with the capabilities required to support the products that AT&T is selling to its customers internationally.

He has been one of the driving forces within AT&T around the development of the concepts that led to the LSO framework and has managed its implementation within AT&T’s international environment. While AT&T’s lead is the adoption of the LSO Sonata API for trading with other carriers is very public, Bertrand’s focus is more on what sits behind the API, and the automation benefits in brings to AT&T’s operation in the end-to-end business processes, from quoting through provisioning, change implementation, trouble management and invoice validation.

Executives at the Edge podcast is brought to you by MEF, an industry association of 200 service, technology, and cloud providers who together accelerate enterprise digital transformation.

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