Medicinal Mass Podcast

Medicinal Mass Podcast

Episode 5: "Bath Salts" aka FLAKKA

October 30, 2015

Medicinal Mass Podcast RSSBath Salts , Flakka, Gravel.  In this episode i sit down with ..... Myself and go over some of the information i could find about "Bath Salts".  the links to the videos i go over can be found in the description below.Intro: Jeff the world - HHOutro: T-hoot - Bath saltArtwork: Andrew DeutschMDPV Wikipedia Kid being an asshole on bathsaltsTin Shack salt overdoseTrip report B- from errowidAn errowid Trip report i forgot to mention involving dillusion and little asian menFreddy SharpFreddy Sharp CNN interview fullMan cuts unborn baby from wombMan commits suicide after using bathsaltsMiami Cannibal Attack wikiTrip report Bad tripAlpha - PVP (a-pvp)Florida woman cant walk rightFormer FLAKKA userHere is a list of Links where you can find my Facebook page and other sources to listen to the podcast. Please visit my Facebook page and like and share it with your friends and family.Facebook PageitunesStitcherPodomaticSoundcloudIf you enjoyed the show and you like to shop on Amazon like i do, please consider using my link below to Amazon. For every purchase you make using this link it wont cost you a dime extra but will kick back a small percentage to me to help keep this podcast free. Thank you for listening to the podcast and stay tuned.Amazon
