Medical Spanish Podcast

Medical Spanish Podcast

Verbs with the Body in Spanish – Intro

December 14, 2021

In this lesson, we practice using Spanish verbs in both their reflexive and non-reflexive forms with parts of the body and articles of clothing. 

The full lesson is part of our History and Exam course.

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Pronombres de objeto indirecto

me, te, le, nos, os, les

Pronombre reflexivos

The reflexive pronouns are the same as those above, except:  le/les > se. 

me, te, se, nos, os, se

Verbos reflexivos

When the person performing the action is also the recipient of the action, the verb is reflexive.

(Yo) Me toco la nariz.
(I touch my nose.)

yo = subject
me = indirect object
la nariz = direct object

yo = me 
me toco = reflexive verb

Verbos no reflexivos

Te toco la nariz.
(I touch your nose.)

yo = subject 
te = indirect object 

yo ≠ te
te toco = non-reflexive verb

When an indirect object pronoun indicates on whom the action is being performed, we use a definite article (e.g. LA) before the body part or article of clothing. 

Te toco LA nariz. 



LAVAR  – to wash


Los niños se lavan las manos.
(The children wash their hands.)

Les lavamos las manos.
(We wash their hands.)

Nos lavamos la cara.
(We wash our faces.)

Les lavo la cara.
(I wash their faces)

In Spanish, when each person only possesses one of a particular body part or article of clothing, we express that noun as singular, even when the subject is plural. 

QUITAR – to take off/remove


Se quitan la camisa.
(They take off their shirts.)

Le voy a quitar la bata.
(I am going to remove your robe. – usted)

QUEBRAR – to break


Te quebraste la pierna.
(You broke your leg.)

Me quebró el brazo.
(He broke my arm.)

TORCER – to wist


Me tuerzo el tobillo.
(I twist my ankle.)

Me tuerces el brazo.
(You twist my arm.)

Te torciste el tobillo.
(You twisted your ankle.)

Le torcí el brazo.
(I twisted his arm.)

QUEMAR – to burn


Me quemé la lengua .
(I burnt my tongue.)

¿Te quemó el brazo?
(Did she burn your arm?


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¿Quieres aprender más?5:59

In the full lesson, we go on to cover the following verbs:

  • Lastimar (to hurt)
  • Poner (to put on)
  • Abrochar (to fasten)
  • Desabrochar (to unfasten)
  • Amarrar (to tie up)
  • Desamarrar (to untie)
  • Cepillar (to brush)
  • Peinar (to comb)
  • Rascar (to scratch)
  • Raspar (to scrape)

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