Medical Spanish Podcast

Medical Spanish Podcast

Prevención – Review – Spanish for COVID19

March 24, 2020

In today's lesson, we practice Spanish for talking with our patients and the community about the symptoms of COVID19 and how to prevent the spread of the virus. This lesson is based on the "Q & A: Spanish for COVID19 – Prevención y cuarentena."

(These show notes are adapted for Apple Podcasts. For interactive show notes with navigation box and timestamps go to

I strongly recommend that you review the lessons from our series on the flu because we can use many of the same vocabulary and phrases when talking about COVID19. In today's lesson, I will try to focus on words and phrases that are not covered in our prior lessons on the flu.


Los síntomas de COVID19

el coronavirus

un resfriado leve
a mild cold

una enfermedad grave
a severe illness

el neumonía, la pulmonía

Los síntomas pueden ser de un resfriado leve a una enfermedad grave con neumonía.
Symptoms can range from a mild cold to severe illness with pneumonia.

la fiebre

la tos seca
dry cough

el cansancio

los dolores musculares
muscle aches

Los síntomas respiratorios

la dificultad para respirar
trouble breathing

los síntomas respiratorios
respiratory symptoms

la insuficiencia respiratoria
respiratory failure

¿Tiene dificultad para respirar?
Are you having trouble breathing?

la falta de aire
shortness of breath

¿Le falta el aire/la respiración/el aliento?
Are you short of breath?

Después del contagio al virus
contraer/contagiar se del virus
to catch (become infected with) the virus

el contagio al virus
infection with the virus

Los síntomas se presentan entre los primeros 2 a 14 días después del contagio al virus.
Symptoms appear in the first 2 to 14 days after infection with the virus.

Cómo prevenir el contagio del virus
to spread

El virus se propaga de persona a persona.
The virus spreads from person to person.

las gotitas respiratorias
respiratory droplets

El virus está dentro de las gotitas respiratorias que una persona produce al toser o al estornudar.
The virus is inside the respiratory droplets that a person produces when coughing or sneezing.

Estas gotitas pueden llegar a la boca o la nariz de otra persona al respirar o al tocarse la cara.
These droplets can get into another person’s mouth or nose when they breathe or touch their face.

Para no contagiarse del virus, le recomiendo lo siguiente.
In order not to catch the virus, I recommend the following.

Para no contagiar a los demás, le recomiendo lo siguiente.
In order not to infect others, I recommend the following.

Evite contacto cercano con las otras personas.
Avoid close contact with other people.

Mantenga una distancia de 6 pies (o 2 metros) entre usted y las otras personas.
Keep a distance of 6 feet (or 2 meters) between you and other people.

Lavarse las manos
Lávese las manos con agua y jabón por al menos 20 segundos.
Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

sonarse la nariz
to blow your nose

después de estar en un lugar público o después de sonarse la nariz o estornudar.
after being in a public place or after blowing your nose or sneezing.