Medical Spanish Podcast

Medical Spanish Podcast

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Spanish

July 15, 2019

In this quick audio lesson, you will learn how to explain Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Spanish. In our Spanish for Prenatal Care premium lessons, we counsel a patient to avoid alcohol, tobacco and other toxins in pregnancy. Furthermore, we explain in Spanish why this is important. What follows is an excerpt from one of these lessons. First, you will learn how to say Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Spanish. Then, after reviewing the key vocabulary, we will list the characteristics of these disorders.Table of Contents* 0:56 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders * 1:50 Vocabulary* 2:41 Explanation in SpanishFetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Spanish0:56Los trastornos del espectro alcólico fetalBreaking it down…los transtornosdisordersel espectrospectrumalcólico fetalfetal alcohol (to describe “el espectro”)Explanation of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in SpanishEste tipo de trastornos puede causar discapacidades intelectuales, discapacidades del desarrollo, problemas de conducta, rasgos faciales anormales, trastornos del corazón, de los riñones, de los huesos y de los oídos.Before listing the characteristics of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, let’s review the vocabulary.Vocabulary1:50la discapacidaddisabilityel desarrollodevelopmentla conductabehaviorlos rasgosfeaturesanormalabnormalInterpretNow let’s list the characteristics of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Spanish.2:41Este tipo de trastornos puede causar…This type of disorders can cause…discapacidades intelectuales,intellectual disabilities,discapacidades del desarrollo,developmental disabilities,problemas de conducta,behavioral problems,rasgos faciales anormales,abnormal facial features,trastornos del corazón, de los riñones, de los huesos y de los oídos.disorders of the heart, of the kidneys, of the bone and of the ears.Gracias por escucharSpecial Thanks…to Elizabeth Cortez, my Spanish teacher at the San Pedro Spanish School, who provided most of the Spanish for this audio lesson. We based these lessons covering prenatal care on recommendations in Spanish from the NIH website.Want to learn more?Related lessons* Spanish for Pregnancy – Weight Gain and Caffeine Intake* Neural Tube in Spanish – Premium Lesson Sneak Peak* High-Risk Pregnancy in Spanish – Interview* More Free Medical Spanish for Women’s HealthBecome a member!Support the podcast and get access to our full-length audio lessons with transcripts. Use the coupon code PODCAST and get 15% off your membership.The lessons offered at are a fun way to practice medical Spanish. They are not intended to teach medicine or provide medical advice. These lessons are intended to improve communication with Spanish-speaking patients, but they are not intended to substitute for a qualified medical interpreter.